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global_name attribute not implemented #545

Closed Gogotron closed 11 months ago

Gogotron commented 11 months ago


Documented feature isn't actually implemented

Reproduction Steps

Trying to access the global_name of a User (and by inheritance, when it's a Member also) results in an error, for this documented feature is not actually implemented.

Here is the relevant documentation:


print(f"The author's username is {}.")
print(f"However the author's name as displayed is {}.")

Expected Results

The author's username is gogotron123. However the author's name as displayed is Gogotron.

Actual Results

The author's username is gogotron123. AttributeError: 'Member' object has no attribute 'global_name'

System Information


Additional Information

Note that this attribute is different to nick and name. The attribute display_name doesn't seem to produce the desired results either.

dolfies commented 11 months ago

The documentation linked is for the latest alpha version of the library. To use this attribute, you must install from git. For the stable docs, see here