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Cant set status with discord.Activity #654

Closed Z3R0-CDS closed 4 months ago

Z3R0-CDS commented 5 months ago


Cant set status with discord.Activity

Reproduction Steps

Set a status with discord.Activity


` await bot.change_presence(status=bot.status, activity=discord.Activity(type= discord.ActivityType.watching, name="This is some status"))`

Expected Results

Status changes

Actual Results


System Information


Additional Information

I am not sure if I do anything wrong but status like discord.Game does work so might be a bug

lufy20106 commented 5 months ago

this?: image or activity? or online status?

Z3R0-CDS commented 5 months ago

The activity is not being set

lufy20106 commented 5 months ago


await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.activity.CustomActivity(name=timenow().strftime('%I:%M %p | %a %d'), emoji="🇻🇳"),status=discord.Status.idle)
Z3R0-CDS commented 5 months ago

Huh okay. Could you try an activity like listening or watching for me?

lufy20106 commented 5 months ago

ok wait

lufy20106 commented 5 months ago

alr maybe cant do listening and watching

Z3R0-CDS commented 5 months ago

Worked few weeks or days ago idk last time I used it was around 25 December so can't really say when it stopped working but thanks for trying. I will add custom activities instead for now.

dolfies commented 4 months ago

The latest commit may have fixed this, but I'm not entirely sure. Let me know!

Z3R0-CDS commented 4 months ago

Havent looked into ur recent commit yet that much but I think somewhere the value is not changed to something default. I get Type _MissingSentinel is not JSON serializable Wich prob means something is still = MISSING? Idk i try to find it maybe u all faster

Z3R0-CDS commented 4 months ago

Okay found it you forgot to check afk I just added not sure if that is the best todo but works idk if afk is MISSING: afk = False

Z3R0-CDS commented 4 months ago

Oh and on my side all status changes work again when that fix is implemented for afk

dolfies commented 4 months ago

Okay found it you forgot to check afk I just added not sure if that is the best todo but works idk if afk is MISSING: afk = False

Fixed, thanks!

dolfies commented 4 months ago

Oh and on my side all status changes work again when that fix is implemented for afk

Sounds good, I'll go ahead and close this issue now