Closed katakombi closed 5 years ago
how can this be done?
sudo apt -y install wmctrl
stefan@khaleesi:~$ wmctrl -l
0x00c00003 -1 khaleesi Bottom Panel
0x00e00006 -1 khaleesi x-caja-desktop
0x04c00085 2 khaleesi TODO.txt (~/Documents)
0x01e0078a 0 khaleesi
0x03873da3 0 khaleesi stefan@khaleesi: ~/Projects/dolmades/cli
0x03e00011 0 khaleesi ubuntu - How to make a window always on top? - Stack Overflow - Mozilla Firefox
0x0387ba83 2 khaleesi stefan@khaleesi: ~/Projects/dolmades/cli
0x0387c585 0 khaleesi stefan@khaleesi: ~
stefan@khaleesi:~$ wmctrl -l
0x00c00003 -1 khaleesi Bottom Panel
0x00e00006 -1 khaleesi x-caja-desktop
0x04c00085 2 khaleesi TODO.txt (~/Documents)
0x01e0078a 0 khaleesi
0x03873da3 0 khaleesi stefan@khaleesi: ~/Projects/dolmades/cli
0x03e00011 0 khaleesi ubuntu - How to make a window always on top? - Stack Overflow - Mozilla Firefox
0x0387ba83 2 khaleesi stefan@khaleesi: ~/Projects/dolmades/cli
0x0387c585 0 khaleesi stefan@khaleesi: ~
stefan@khaleesi:~$ wmctrl -i -r 0x0387c585 -b add,above
stefan@khaleesi:~$ wmctrl -i -r 0x0387c585 -b remove,above
Check out xdotool
for that...
this issue has vanished in more recent version of Mate. No idea which DEs will have that issue, so closing for now....
It is annoying that wine windows are not handled properly by some WMs when being hidden. Better make them always visible during install!