dolmades / dolmades-cli

Setup your win-only applications on linux
Apache License 2.0
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`cook`: equip installer windows with `always-on-top` attribute #24

Closed katakombi closed 5 years ago

katakombi commented 6 years ago

It is annoying that wine windows are not handled properly by some WMs when being hidden. Better make them always visible during install!

katakombi commented 6 years ago

how can this be done?

sudo apt -y install wmctrl
stefan@khaleesi:~$ wmctrl -l
0x00c00003 -1 khaleesi Bottom Panel
0x00e00006 -1 khaleesi x-caja-desktop
0x04c00085  2 khaleesi TODO.txt (~/Documents)
0x01e0078a  0 khaleesi 
0x03873da3  0 khaleesi stefan@khaleesi: ~/Projects/dolmades/cli
0x03e00011  0 khaleesi ubuntu - How to make a window always on top? - Stack Overflow - Mozilla Firefox
0x0387ba83  2 khaleesi stefan@khaleesi: ~/Projects/dolmades/cli
0x0387c585  0 khaleesi stefan@khaleesi: ~
stefan@khaleesi:~$ wmctrl -l
0x00c00003 -1 khaleesi Bottom Panel
0x00e00006 -1 khaleesi x-caja-desktop
0x04c00085  2 khaleesi TODO.txt (~/Documents)
0x01e0078a  0 khaleesi 
0x03873da3  0 khaleesi stefan@khaleesi: ~/Projects/dolmades/cli
0x03e00011  0 khaleesi ubuntu - How to make a window always on top? - Stack Overflow - Mozilla Firefox
0x0387ba83  2 khaleesi stefan@khaleesi: ~/Projects/dolmades/cli
0x0387c585  0 khaleesi stefan@khaleesi: ~
stefan@khaleesi:~$ wmctrl -i -r 0x0387c585 -b add,above
stefan@khaleesi:~$ wmctrl -i -r 0x0387c585 -b remove,above
katakombi commented 5 years ago

Check out xdotool for that...

katakombi commented 5 years ago

this issue has vanished in more recent version of Mate. No idea which DEs will have that issue, so closing for now....