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STB/STL no longer use collection proxies in most cases #1224

Closed blairmcg closed 7 months ago

blairmcg commented 7 months ago

Also improve support for writing old filer versions.

Most view resources are upgraded to STL 6. Autoplay and some contributions are left untouched. This is to provide some continuing test coverage of view upgrades, and in the case of the latter to allow for easier interchange of changes with 7.1. The contributed packages are marked as "legacy", so will save view resources in STL 4 anyway, but they would pick up any class format changes if resaved.

Old version packages for STB and STL are added to hold the policy classes for old versions, plus the general purpose filer backwards compat classes that were in the legacy package support package.

The abstract base classes common to STB and STL now have names beginning STx.