dolthub / dolt

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mysql:latest - missing error: [HY000][1524] Plugin 'mysql_native_password' is not loaded #8042

Closed muescha closed 3 weeks ago

muescha commented 3 weeks ago

Note: I report this because dolt should react 1:1 the same as MySQL. But maybe this is not a bug.

Setup MySQL

I pulled the image mysql:latest and startet it in Docker

I run the sql:

CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS `restadmin`@`%` 
IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';


[HY000][1524] Plugin 'mysql_native_password' is not loaded


No error. User is created.

timsehn commented 3 weeks ago

This is a bit of a tricky one for us.

We're not going to support MySQL authentication plugins so we likely parse WITH mysql_native_password, ignore it, and create the user anyway using our authentication method. This is for compatibility with applications specifically built for MySQL. I'm pretty sure this is the way we want this to behave in this circumstance.

Is there a reason beyond exact compatibility that you need this query to fail?

muescha commented 3 weeks ago

I don't have a reason; I just noticed different behavior.

timsehn commented 3 weeks ago

OK. I'll resolve as won't fix. In general, we are sometimes more permissive than MySQL. Please keep cutting issues with incompatibilities you find.