dolthub / dolt

Dolt – Git for Data
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CJException: 3878257648 out of range for int #8085

Open muescha opened 1 week ago

muescha commented 1 week ago


dolt as database created databse restdb added user restadmin used source run application with profile: localmysql

no tables needed in restdb for this setup to run.


no error


com.mysql.cj.exceptions.CJException: 3878257648 out of range for int

dolt log with log level debug:

DEBU[42019] preparing query                               paramsCount=9 query="INSERT INTO `restdb`.`flyway_schema_history` (`installed_rank`, `version`, `description`, `type`, `script`, `checksum`, `installed_by`, `execution_time`, `success`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" statementId=13
DEBU[42771] Starting query                                connectTime="2024-06-28 13:58:27.503963 +0200 CEST m=+42015.283576001" connectionDb=restdb connectionID=52 query="INSERT INTO `restdb`.`flyway_schema_history` (`installed_rank`, `version`, `description`, `type`, `script`, `checksum`, `installed_by`, `execution_time`, `success`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"


INSERT INTO `restdb`.`flyway_schema_history` 
(`installed_rank`, `version`, `description`, `type`, `script`, `checksum`, `installed_by`, `execution_time`, `success`) 
(1, '1', 'init-mysql-database', 'SQL', 'V1__init-mysql-database.sql', -416709648, 'restadmin', 32, 1)

query command:

17 0d 00 00 00 00 01 00     . . . . . . . .
00 00 00 00 01 03 00 fd     . . . . . . . .
00 fd 00 fd 00 fd 00 03     . . . . . . . .
00 fd 00 03 00 01 00 01     . . . . . . . .
00 00 00 01 31 13 69 6e     . . . . 1 . i n
69 74 2d 6d 79 73 71 6c     i t - m y s q l
2d 64 61 74 61 62 61 73     - d a t a b a s
65 03 53 51 4c 1b 56 31     e . S Q L . V 1
5f 5f 69 6e 69 74 2d 6d     _ _ i n i t - m
79 73 71 6c 2d 64 61 74     y s q l - d a t
61 62 61 73 65 2e 73 71     a b a s e . s q
6c f0 83 29 e7 09 72 65     l . . ) . . r e
73 74 61 64 6d 69 6e 20     s t a d m i n  
00 00 00 01                 . . . .

the command creating the error info is running in Line 278:

NativePacketPayload resultPacket = this.session.getProtocol().sendCommand(packet, false, 0);

result packet:

ff 51 04 23 48 59 30 30     . Q . # H Y 0 0
30 33 38 37 38 32 35 37     0 3 8 7 8 2 5 7
36 34 38 20 6f 75 74 20     6 4 8   o u t  
6f 66 20 72 61 6e 67 65     o f   r a n g e
20 66 6f 72 20 69 6e 74       f o r   i n t

PS: I missing this error in the dolt log

muescha commented 1 week ago

Note: if I run this statement direct in the database console (in IntelliJ IDEA) connected to the dolt database there is no error:

INSERT INTO `restdb`.`flyway_schema_history` 
(`installed_rank`, `version`, `description`, `type`, `script`, `checksum`, `installed_by`, `execution_time`, `success`) 
(1, '1', 'init-mysql-database', 'SQL', 'V1__init-mysql-database.sql', -416709648, 'restadmin', 32, 1)

so there must be somehow some differences if the command goes through the mysql - jdbc connection as packet

muescha commented 1 week ago
2024-06-28T14:31:14.536+02:00 DEBUG 64873 --- [  restartedMain] o.f.c.i.s.DefaultSqlScriptExecutor       : 
Executing SQL: CREATE TABLE `restdb`.`flyway_schema_history` (
    `installed_rank` INT NOT NULL,
    `version` VARCHAR(50),
    `description` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
    `type` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
    `script` VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL,
    `checksum` INT,
    `installed_by` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    `execution_time` INT NOT NULL,
    `success` BOOL NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT `flyway_schema_history_pk` PRIMARY KEY (`installed_rank`)
muescha commented 1 week ago

PS: 3878257648 is actually the unsigned interpretation of -416709648

muescha commented 1 week ago

result at MySQL:

installed_rank version description type script checksum installed_by installed_on execution_time success
1 1 init-mysql-database SQL V1__init-mysql-database.sql -416709648 restadmin 2024-06-28 13:04:05 40 1
fulghum commented 1 week ago

Hi @muescha, thank you for the error report! 🙏 Looks like we've got enough to repro here. We'll work on a repro today and see what's going on. My first guess is that the we aren't sending a response metadata bit that the MySQL Connector/J library needs to treat the int value as unsigned. We'll keep you updated with what we find.

fulghum commented 1 week ago

I think I've got a good repro using a simple Connector/J JDBC example. It looks like it's something on the prepared statement codepath. I'll keep digging in to get a tighter repro and get into the debugger and hopefully this will be a quick one we can get fixed for you.

fulghum commented 1 week ago

Well, I spoke a little too soon... The issue I found is a syntax support issue for the EXECUTE statement, but I don't think the code is actually executing through that code path – I think it's using the COM_PREPARE/COM_EXECUTE codepath instead (otherwise I think we'd be seeing a different error). I haven't been able to repro on that codepath yet, so I'm going to see if I can get the full flyway repro working, and will see what we can find from there. I do see a few small differences in the column metadata returned between MySQL and Dolt, so I suspect that is the issue, but getting a repro will tell for sure.

fulghum commented 1 week ago

@muescha – can you help me out with the exact commands you're running for the repro? I've got the spring-6-rest-mvc repo checked out on the 77-flyway-intit-script branch, and I'm guessing the next step is to run flyway migrate, but it's complaining about not finding the migration files. Can you please share some more repro steps there?

muescha commented 1 week ago

After checking out the code and installing the Maven dependencies, just run the application with the localmysql profile. Spring Boot will then perform the Flyway checks at startup. No existing tables are needed, just the database is enough.

Here is my Run Configuration:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-29 um 15 08 53
muescha commented 1 week ago

I double checked it with the branch (other than my step by step growing tutorial code) and have some notes to run the code:

Notes for Lombok:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-29 um 15 18 46
java.sql.SQLException: 3075161371 out of range for int
muescha commented 1 week ago

I tried to isolate the bug with a simple Java program in IssueOutOfRangeInt, but it ran without error.

fulghum commented 6 days ago

Thanks for the extra details. I think I'm getting closer, but unfortunately, I'm still unable to repro this...

It looks like the Spring functionality you're using is only available in IntelliJ Ultimate, so I've started a trial and have been trying to reproduce there. I've installed Lombok and I've ensured annotation processing is enabled. When I run the main Spring class, I get an error about the beer table not existing. When I manually create the beer table (using the SQL from the generated update.sql file at the root of the project), I can start the project up and it doesn't generate any errors.

I think we're going to need more specific repro steps in order to trigger this one and figure out what's going on. Can you start with a fresh check out of the project you're using and a fresh Dolt database, and give us the exact commands to run on a command line to trigger the error you're seeing? For example, can you trigger this with Maven commands? That's going to be the easiest way to ensure we're running the exact same steps you're running.

muescha commented 6 days ago

If the update.sql file is generated, you might have used the default

You need to specify the profile in the run dialog by setting "Active Profiles" to localmysql (see screenshot).

Regarding the Maven command: I will be away from my computer for a week. I will provide it as soon as possible.