dom8509 / logseq-to-markdown

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Backlinks for inline tags (or: treat inline tags as Hugo tags?) #10

Open vehka opened 1 month ago

vehka commented 1 month ago

I use inline tags for indexing in my digital garden – e.g., a tag called "#en" for all the content that is in English. In Logseq, the tag has a corresponding page lists all the pages and blocks that have the #en tag either in their attributes or as inline content.

As it stands, if I understand correctly, the script recognizes tags only in the page properties, inline tags are treated as mere one-way links.

I'm wondering if it would make sense to treat inline tag links as Hugo tags. This way the Hugo tag pages would list all the content correctly, having essentially the same functionality as the tag pages have in Logseq.

Do you think this kind of feature could be implemented for this script?

Again, if you're not interested in developing this feature, I'd appreciate for some pointers on how to achieve that! Sorry if I described the issue in an unclear manner.