domainaware / parsedmarc

A Python package and CLI for parsing aggregate and forensic DMARC reports
Apache License 2.0
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Fixed Bug in #398

Closed rubeste closed 1 year ago

rubeste commented 1 year ago

Fixed Bug regarding the finding of a specific folder. This Bug caused parsedmarc to crash if it could not find the folder in one Ms Graph request. This is only an issue if your MailBox contains 10+ folders. It was solved by adding the $filter=displayName eq '{folder_name}' param so it would immediatly find the folder.

rubeste commented 1 year ago

Fixed Bug regarding the obtaining of messages from a folder. This Bug caused parsedmarc to only load the first 10 e-mails if the batch_size is defined as 0. Now it will loop until the json parameter @odata.nextLink is not present.