Closed NebriBlackwing closed 8 years ago
I'd also like to note that the sample application shows the exact same problem unmodified on my phone.
After spoofing the gps co-ordinates with another app it has started reporting the stay and exit notifications correctly. My only assumption is that nothing was working before due to the gps cordinates not changing drastically enough.
Implemented my CrossGeofenceListener as such from the sample as a guideline:
` public class CrossGeofenceListener : IGeofenceListener { //TODO: figure out what to do with this one. public void OnAppStarted() { //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
and used this to start monitoring areas:
CrossGeofence.Current.StartMonitoring(new GeofenceCircularRegion(facility.Name, facility.Latitude, facility.Longitude, 2000) { NotifyOnStay = true, NotifyOnEntry = true, NotifyOnExit = true, ShowNotification = true, ShowEntryNotification = false, ShowExitNotification = false, ShowStayNotification = true, NotificationStayMessage = "stay message!", NotificationEntryMessage = "entry message!", NotificationExitMessage = "exit message!", StayedInThresholdDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), });
Using my tests on my phone, I am only getting the entered Geofence notification, the stayed notification is not triggering.
Have I missed something?