domchristie / humps

🐫 Underscore-to-camelCase converter (and vice versa) for strings and object keys in JavaScript.
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Mutate original object #21

Open vitaly-t opened 8 years ago

vitaly-t commented 8 years ago

It would be a very good idea to have methods camelizeKeys and pascalizeKeys perform the operation on the original object that's passed, without creating a copy. As an option that is.

domchristie commented 8 years ago

Thanks for this. As it happens we’re currently discussing this in #19

vitaly-t commented 8 years ago

Very well! :) I would suggest further, a generic method:

camelize(value, [options]);

where value can be a string or an object (to camelize keys). options, in case of keys, should be able to accept flag nested (false by default) to provide nested keys processing. Maybe even support key copy there, so a copy is created only when set.

Plus whatever other options you may have for processing.

Also, consider this, you have a variable that contains an array of strings and objects - all need to be camelized, is when it gets more interesting.

vitaly-t commented 8 years ago

As an update, In my usage case I came to conclusion that such a functionality would not help me.

It really depends on the object's heterogeneous nature. In my case I use the library to process data rows that arrive from a database. That means I am dealing with lots of data rows, each has the same set of columns. Obviously, you would want to camelize all columns only once, for a single row, and then re-apply those to all the rows. In such case doing camelize for every row would be unacceptable, performance-wise.

And I would not recommend adding support for heterogeneous object collections, it would be too complicated.

As of now, I'm very happy with the basic camelize method. Here's how I am using it:

function camelizeColumns(data) {
    var template = data[0];
    for (var prop in template) {
        var camel = humps.camelize(prop);
        if (!(camel in template)) {
            for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                var d = data[i];
                d[camel] = d[prop];
                delete d[prop];

As you can see from implementation, I camelize only a single row, and then re-use it, which is critical when processing large collections of same-type objects.