domenic / html-as-custom-elements

HTML as Custom Elements
Apache License 2.0
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Implement <hr>, "properly" #33

Open domenic opened 9 years ago

domenic commented 9 years ago

A few major components:

domenic commented 9 years ago

Status update: been working on the IDL aspect. Right now, given this IDL file for HTMLHRElement, my webidl-class-generator project will generate this JavaScript file. Since HTMLHRElement only has reflected attributes, that should be all of the JavaScript necessary to implement its interface.

The generated JavaScript depends on two packages, webidl-html-reflector and webidl-conversions. webidl-html-reflector is ready to go: it has the DOMString and boolean reflection logic that HTMLHRElement needs. webidl-conversions is not yet started but should be only a couple hours of work.