domenic / promises-unwrapping

The ES6 promises spec, as per September 2013 TC39 meeting
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Rephrase in terms of completion values #6

Closed domenic closed 10 years ago

domenic commented 10 years ago

They are a bit more awkward than our current "if this call throws an exception," but give some extra precision.

erights commented 10 years ago

Extra precision how?

domenic commented 10 years ago

Yeah, maybe not that much extra precision.

Notably, in doing #13, I decided to cave and use the phrasing "For each value nextValue of iterable" for iteration, instead of using the ES spec's IteratorNext/IteratorComplete/IteratorValue and completion value low-level stuff.

I think I've reached an uneasy medium between direct ES spec formalism and something more loose like the DOM or code-as-specification. I'll leave it. If implementers find the current formalism confusing, we can revisit moving it more in the direction of the formal ES spec.

annevk commented 10 years ago

We should then also use things like FunctionCreate to properly define the scope of those functions and such rather than ECMAScript function... I guess for now this is fine.

domenic commented 10 years ago

Reopening as part of the initiative to completely ECMAScript-ize the spec.