domgetter / NCoC

No Code of Conduct: A Code of Conduct for Adults in Open Source Software
The Unlicense
1.64k stars 119 forks source link

Update #13

Closed RedFred7 closed 8 years ago

RedFred7 commented 8 years ago

added "Contributions are judged only on technical merit"

domgetter commented 8 years ago

I find the modified phrasing to be redundant and politically charged.

However, looking over the file, I'd like to see "everyone's" changed to "anyone's".

If you submit a pull request with that change, I will accept it.

domgetter commented 8 years ago

The other major reason I don't want to add it is to keep the CoC short and concise. One of the problems I have with other CoCs is their length resulting from a laundry list of exceptional cases.

I'd rather just keep this to the point.