domgetter / NCoC

No Code of Conduct: A Code of Conduct for Adults in Open Source Software
The Unlicense
1.64k stars 119 forks source link

No License #20

Closed bdistin closed 5 years ago

bdistin commented 6 years ago

While you give explicit permission to: Simply copy into the root directory of your project. You may modify it to your needs. in your readme, typically when a project does not include a license full copy protection is implied.

I suggest adding a License with similar terms added to the repo, so that I and others feel comfortable making use of your work. The Unlicense fits your statement in the readme. But ultimately it's up to you which to choose. (I could also see this project wanting a license that maintains the link-back attribution, which wouldn't be covered with Unlicense...)

bdistin commented 6 years ago

6 month bump

domgetter commented 5 years ago

Added Unlicense. Thanks @bdistin