domgetter / NCoC

No Code of Conduct: A Code of Conduct for Adults in Open Source Software
The Unlicense
1.64k stars 119 forks source link

Fixing link to code of merit #35

Open yisraeldov opened 4 years ago

domgetter commented 4 years ago

That link is broken, too.

Karunamon commented 4 years ago

Yeah looks like either its author blew it away or Github did.. the website was hosted on GH pages as well.

Either way, has it:

matthieuriolo commented 4 years ago

Another victim of what we feared would happened with the CoC

I have come to the decision to shut down all my projects. ... I can't in good conscience continue to put by weight and support (economic and technical) behind them. .... I'm shutting down all active projects and closing or restricting the few social media accounts that have not yet censored me. .... If I ever release new projects in the future I would do so under pseudonyms to protect myself and those who support me. .... I have some faith that things will improve in the future as the industry self-corrects.

Apparently it was github and not roberto itself

Karunamon commented 4 years ago

Wow. I didn't think Github had sunk that low.

Anyways, this is a proper link, it goes to one of his projects on Gitlab.

matthieuriolo commented 4 years ago

Wow. I didn't think Github had sunk that low. Github is owned by Microsoft and like all big tech they are fully supporting this "CoC" stuff....