domgetter / NCoC

No Code of Conduct: A Code of Conduct for Adults in Open Source Software
The Unlicense
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Clarify "We accept anyone's contributions." #37

Open secworks opened 4 years ago

secworks commented 4 years ago

The NCoC states "We accept anyone's contributions.".

I would suggest "We accept anyone's contributions based on its merits" or similar. Promising to accept every contribution will not work and will quite probably not be a true statement for most projects.

conkerts commented 3 years ago

That was exactly my first thought, too. I like the NCoC, but I'll use a wording like:

We accept everyones contributions, as long they meet our technical standarts & project requirements. We don't care if you're liberal or conservative, ...

esaulpaugh commented 3 years ago

just say "without regard for identity"