dominguez-aureax / aureax-app

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Referral Screen #12

Open dominguez-aureax opened 3 years ago

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

There should be a referral entry screen when the user is invited. Some source that may be useful: (previous video was deprecated)

jsstallings commented 3 years ago

@dominguez-aureax I think you're on to something with the dynamic links, we want to make sure the linkage between the referrer and referred is strong and in place from the beginning.

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

Currently, each user has a unique dynamic link created. TODO:

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

Currently having trouble getting the URL to forward back to the application. Will do more testing tomrrow

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

An intent filter was needed for the AndroidManifest file. A similar procedure will need to be done on the Apple side.