dominguez-aureax / aureax-app

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update design #24

Open dominguez-aureax opened 3 years ago

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

Currently, I have new ideas of how the application will look after the sprint review.

If a user is not logged in there will primarily be two screens:

  1. Login Screen
  2. Sign Up Screen

If a user is signed in there can currently be 5 screens (at least):

  1. The Panel (separate views for admins and non-admins)
  2. Job Postings/Job Campaigns
    • Unsure if I'm going to Opt for a separated view or compact view here. I Will update once the design is complete
  3. Active Campaign
  4. Settings/User Information
    • Unsure of how many settings will be available to the User which is why it is compiled in the same section. (Think Robinhood and Chick-fil-A application as this idea was inspired from there).
    • I believe the basic referral link will also be here
  5. Communication Screen
    • TBA. This could be messaging/article/forum style depending on feedback.

For these pages, there will be an app bar at the bottom of the screen to make it easier to access these screens

If a user is referred to the application there will be similar options:

  1. The User will be asked to sign a form before continuing to track referrals. They will be classified as 'guests'
  2. Job Postings/Job Campaigns
    • Unsure if the share option will be disabled for guests
  3. Active Campaign
  4. Settings/User Information
  5. Communication Sreen
    • This may be hidden for guests
dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

Updated Login Page Login Screen

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

Updated Sign Up Screen Sign Up Screen

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

Updated Admin Panel Admin Panel

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

Jobs Posting Page Jobs Page

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

Very basic drafts as I want to polish during the coding phase, the jobs will be scrollable and a search bar will be added

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

Going to put the active campaign on hold and will work on settings when the options are figured out.

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

@jsstallings let me know what you think of these rough designs. Plan on posting the Guest Form view sometime later today, or tomorrow but going to knock out some of the changes right now.

jsstallings commented 3 years ago

Love the look @dominguez-aureax. I'll come back with some detailed comments based on your requirements post above, but absolutely look and feel is great, clean and simple.

jsstallings commented 3 years ago

And I think we need just the referral form page itself, which can be filled out as guest or as a non-admin user. Unless I missed it above, is it the sign up form? If so, all good, we can just call it that instead of sign up, or maybe sign up is fine. We can discuss tomorrow.

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

Yes I plan on having an add referral button under the page Admin/User Panel > Referrals > Add Referral which will be similar to the page where the user has to sign through the referral link. Not sure if that makes the best of sense before seeing the design, but I will work on having that ready tomorrow.

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

Here is the view of adding a referral Refferals

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

The screen will be similar when someone was referred to track their information and jobs interested.

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

Navigating through the screens has caused an error with authentication. he caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation. Looking into the matter atm

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

E/flutter ( 6651): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_InheritedProviderScope<User?>>() or dependOnInheritedElement() was called before _AuthenticationWrapperState.initState() completed. E/flutter ( 6651): When an inherited widget changes, for example if the value of Theme.of() changes, its dependent widgets are rebuilt. If the dependent widget's reference to the inherited widget is in a constructor or an initState() method, then the rebuilt dependent widget will not reflect the changes in the inherited widget. E/flutter ( 6651): Typically references to inherited widgets should occur in widget build() methods. Alternatively, initialization based on inherited widgets can be placed in the didChangeDependencies method, which is called after initState and whenever the dependencies change thereafter.

dominguez-aureax commented 3 years ago

@jsstallings Currently having extreme difficulty with the UI. Apparently, it keeps collapsing on itself. Going to put this on hold and just get a website working. Extremely sorry for the delay.