To allow users to skip using a Windows ISO/disc/installation, it's planned for Breeze and Inspire 4.0 to be available as options to convert themes to, graphically.
It'll probably be an OS style select, even if the theme type is known, with "Feren OS" (if Inspire 4.0 is present on the current installation) and "Breeze" as options.
Due to this:
No layout changes
Desktop Background is, however, changed according to the theme
For Windows 8+, keep in mind AutoColorisation when changing the current accent
For Windows 10+, switch between Breeze Light and Breeze Dark colour schemes depending on in-.theme dark mode value (generate and use a force accent titlebars'd version of the colour scheme if accent colouring is turned on in the .theme)
For Windows 10+, switch between Breeze Light and Breeze Dark Plasma Styles depending on in-.theme Taskbar mode value (use Breeze if both match)
For Windows 8.1 and below .themes, change tinting on Breeze headers depending on colour intensity
Do not use a custom theme-specific colour scheme, UNLESS there's a Windows Classic palette manually placed inside the .theme which case make a colour scheme based off of it for Windows 7 and below detections
Feren OS
No layout changes
Desktop Background is, however, changed according to the theme
For Windows 8+, keep in mind AutoColorisation when changing the current accent
For Windows 10+, switch between Inspire and Inspire Dark colour schemes depending on in-.theme dark mode value (use the Coloured colour scheme variant if accent colouring is turned on in the .theme)
For Windows 10+, switch between Inspire Light and Inspire Plasma Styles depending on in-.theme Taskbar mode value (use Inspire Coloured if Taskbar colouring is turned on in the .theme)
For Windows 8.1 and below .themes, change opacity on Inspire titlebars depending on colour intensity
Do not use a custom theme-specific colour scheme, UNLESS there's a Windows Classic palette manually placed inside the .theme which case make a colour scheme based off of it for Windows 7 and below detections
Breeze: "Taskbar colouring is not supported on KDE Breeze"
TODO: When reverting the theme back, make sure that any changes made to Breeze and Inspire settings are reverted to
To allow users to skip using a Windows ISO/disc/installation, it's planned for Breeze and Inspire 4.0 to be available as options to convert themes to, graphically.
It'll probably be an OS style select, even if the theme type is known, with "Feren OS" (if Inspire 4.0 is present on the current installation) and "Breeze" as options.
Due to this:
Feren OS