dominiclet / obsidian-note-definitions

Obsidian plugin for seamless viewing of personal definitions
MIT License
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context in the reverse directiion #69

Open chenghuang-coder opened 1 month ago

chenghuang-coder commented 1 month ago

since a main file can restrict its definition file via the yaml, it is possible for a definition file also to chose its context? I mean, for example, to restrict a definition file named NBA rules only for NBA related files instead of the entire vault globally via its yaml. is this possible? looking forward to ur response!

dominiclet commented 1 month ago

Hmm is there a particular use-case for this or is this for convenience? Since the "reverse context" feature is achievable simply by specifying a context in each "NBA related file". I am concerned that adding a reverse context would make it more confusing. For example, if I specify a "reverse context" in definition file "DEF_A" only on file A, what if I then also add a context on file B on "DEF_A". Would the "DEF_A" context apply on file B, since we already explicitly specified that there is a "reverse context" in "DEF_A" on only file A?

Mack127444 commented 3 weeks ago

I second this, is there perhaps a way to assign a certain definition file to only relate to other files that have a certain tag in them or something? I use my vault for CS-related stuff on the side, and often some computing terms that are regular words make the definitions annoyingly show up in notes unrelated to CS. The only way to prevent this is for every single file, including ones that aren't even CS-related, I specify the context, which becomes a bit tedious for files in which I don't want to do much to (daily notes or quick note files). I understand it might be difficult to implement but it would really make this plugin 100% perfect.