dominictarr / level-live-stream

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stack overflow when installing live-stream on a root db which has sublevels #7

Open thlorenz opened 10 years ago

thlorenz commented 10 years ago

Let's say on the server you have something like:

var db = sublevel(db);
var foosub = db.sublevel('foo');

// incorrect

// correct would be
// liveStream.install(foo);

Consuming on the client side like this:

// incorrect
db.liveStream().on('data', console.dir);

// correct would be
// db.sublevel('foo').liveStream().on('data', console.dir);

Since we did this incorrectly (i.e. attached live stream to root level instead of to the sublevels separately) we'll get a stack overflow error in 'json-buffer' due to the _parent on the sublevels which causes a circular reference:

    return JSON.stringify(/^:/.test(o) ? ':' + o : o)
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

The solution here is to document to not do that and/or detect this earlier and throw a more meaningful error.

dominictarr commented 10 years ago

I'm still confused how this was happing, I want to get to the bottom of this! Where you doing liveStream.install in the client?

thlorenz commented 10 years ago

No, was doing that on the server. If you want to wade through the now fixed code, here is the server side and client side.

As I said, it is fixed now, before I just had liveStream.install(db) server side and db.liveStream().on('data', ...) client side.

Hope that helps. I was basically using it wrong, but if it is very important to you I can try to repro this with a smaller script tomorrow.

dominictarr commented 10 years ago

I'm mostly aiming to debug the documentation, or make it fail with a more obvious error message.

A reproduce script would be appreciated

thlorenz commented 10 years ago

As this script shows, this is not an isolated level-live-stream problem, but most likely due to some deserialization going on in muxdemux when used with multilevlel.

@juliangruber should I take this issue over there?

juliangruber commented 10 years ago

@thlorenz your script doesn't use multilevel, shouldn't it rather be a sublevel or level-live-stream problem then?

thlorenz commented 10 years ago

@juliangruber yes it's not using multilevel, that is why it doesn't repro the problem. Which is what led us to believe that this is not an isolated live-stream/sublevel problem. If you look at the stack trace above you'll see that my app blows up in json-buffer triggered by mux-demux.

It may not be too important since I can work around this by subscribing to the live stream on the actual sublevels instead the root db.

My question was just if we should move this issue to multilevel and I'll try to get around creating a script that isolates this issue as much as possible (it would use multilevel).

juliangruber commented 10 years ago

ah, ok I thought your script reproduced the problem. Sounds good to move over then.

soldair commented 10 years ago

hey guys here is a reduced test case.

This is absolutely a bug that must be fixed. The client should never be allowed to take down the database server! Also just because you have sublevels doesn't mean every consuming client has to have logic using the fact that they exist.

the issue at hand is where to fix it!

the super hack i have to run now is

var through = require('through');

module.exports =  function fix(db) {

  var oldLiveStream = db.liveStream;
  if(!oldLiveStream) return;

  db.liveStream = function(){
    return oldLiveStream.apply(this,arguments).pipe(through(function(data){
      delete data.prefix;


i'm real interested in getting a pull request in for this suggestions on the correct place to patch would help a lot.

dominictarr commented 10 years ago

deleting the prefix is just a hack if we don't actually know what is causing the problem. I think this is something to do with level-post, which basically adds post hook functionality a second time, since you are not exposing the sublevel the first time.

dominictarr commented 10 years ago

aha, I think the right fix is to have level-hooks compact the prefix to a string (which is also supported) but leave it there.

soldair commented 10 years ago

i can make that pr now! thanks for the advice like i said i want to remove my super hack asap

dominictarr commented 10 years ago

okay this is fixed - reinstall level-sublevel (to get level-hooks@4.4.5) and it should work.

dominictarr commented 10 years ago

can you make a PR that adds this as a test to level-sublevel?

all it needs to test for is that post hooks are always jsonifiable, even when using prehooks like this. Oh, by the way, you can also do: prefix: subdb.prefix() and that will work even with the old code.

soldair commented 10 years ago

thanks! i just saw that you supported it and it was just too nice not to use

dominictarr commented 10 years ago

it's best to use .prefix() since that works when you do batches even from the multilevel client.