dominictarr / scuttlebutt

peer-to-peer replicatable data structure
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Automatic network setup #32

Open mcollina opened 10 years ago

mcollina commented 10 years ago

Scuttlebutt is all about streams, but I have to setup the network in a way where everybody 'knows' everybody else ip/port combination. Should a network be fully connected, or connected just to N/2 + 1 nodes?

This seems a very common setup. Do you know if this is already implemented somewhere?

Raynos commented 10 years ago

scuttlebutt doesnt care about the network. Its just a replication stream over any IO.

The network topology you choose depends on what trade offs you want to make in terms of latency, saturation & stability against partitions.

I started topology a while ago to document various options available to you.

Since scuttlebutt is a gossip protocol, it has eventual consistency irregardless of your network topology as long as it's not permanently split.

dominictarr commented 10 years ago

yes, @Raynos is exactly right.

paulkernfeld commented 8 years ago

@mcollina did you ever find a solution to this? It seems that it would be possible to do this using bittorrent-protocol with the ut_pex extension to enable peer exchange.