dominictarr / through

simple way to create a ReadableWritable stream that works
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Github releases for new versions #34

Closed orlitzky closed 7 years ago

orlitzky commented 9 years ago

Hello, I'm packaging 'through' for Gentoo Linux and I noticed that only v2.2.0 is listed on the Github releases page. I know it's kind of a pain, but would it be possible to create a release for the newest version? Having the tarball available helps us avoid dependency hell because we only need tar/gzip to unpack the tarball while cloning a git repo requires a big pile of code =)

dominictarr commented 9 years ago

okay it looks like I didn't create tags for all of these versions, just put version bumps as commits. btw, did you know you can actually download any git commit as a tarball?{username}/{project}/tar.gz/{commit_or_tag}

for example:

One time I asked them to fix a problem with these urls and they did, so I guess that is a tacit admission it's a public api (although it's not documented ;)

dominictarr commented 9 years ago

btw, how/why are you packaging this for gentoo? npm already provides a very nice package manager. oh yeah---on that note, why don't you just download the packages directly from the npm registry? using npm show {module} command dump the registry data for that module, and that contains a tarball url which you can derive urls for any version.


orlitzky commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I didn't know about the npm registry thing! I will get the sources there by default from now on.

I'm packaging them for Gentoo because npm has the same problem as bundler, cabal, easy_install, pip, cpan, cran, pear, composer, bower, elpa, ivy, nuget,... etc. It's good for getting up and running quickly but a nightmare for system administrators. A typical package in any language will have a dependency tree of, say, 100 packages. And suppose I have 1,000 packages installed on my machine. if everything is installed globally -- whatever, I've still got 1,000 packages installed. But if each one of them bundled its entire dependency tree, I'd have 100,000 packages installed instead. It'd be a full-time job just to keep my desktop machine up-to-date (i.e. secure). You mostly don't notice this because npm doesn't know what to do with packages that aren't written in javascript, so your dep tree is limited to a much smaller number of packages. But then things go bad when you need to depend on e.g. a DNS library written in C. So that's my rant =)

kapouer commented 7 years ago

It's also useful for bisecting. The tag gives us the commit hash and then it's possible to check each commit instead of downloading from npm only version by version.

orlitzky commented 7 years ago

I gave up on trying to package JS libraries, so no need to keep this open any more.