dominik-th / matomo-plugin-LoginOIDC

external authentication services for matomo
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Redirect issue in oidc plugin microsoft azure #47

Open infogainneha opened 3 years ago

infogainneha commented 3 years ago

I added all the information in oidc plugin and getting microsoft azure login window, but after login it is saying page not found. I'm not going to the desired page after login.

Authrize url -{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize Token url -{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/token userinfo url - userinfo id - sub client id - client id client secret - secret OAuth scopes - openid email Redirect URI override - site_url/redirect_uri

cbansal-az commented 2 years ago

Any updates on this issue? I am also facing issues when trying to use Azure with OIDC plugin.

ktbsjcooper commented 1 year ago

I observed the same behavior, a 404 when using a Redirect URI override. It redirects fine if you leave it blank in the plugin config but set your Azure Redirect URI to https://{your_website}/index.php?module=LoginOIDC&action=callback&provider=oidc

The trouble I have is that beyond the redirect I get "Error in Matomo: OAuth state mismatch." so I am not sure this plugin works with Azure AD.