dominikamann / oekofen-pellematic-compact

A Ökofen Pellematic Compact Integration based on JSON/TCP-Inteface for Home Assistant.
Apache License 2.0
32 stars 7 forks source link

Fehlende Werte #66

Open gmbh07 opened 2 weeks ago

gmbh07 commented 2 weeks ago


wenn ich eine Abfrage mit der URL mache erhalte ich folgende Zeilen und noch viele weitere, ich Finde aber L_existing_boiler":742, nicht bei den Sensoren, kann ich die Config irgendwie um diesen Wert erweitern? Es handelt sich wir um einen normalen Holzofen.

{ "system":{ "L_ambient":163, "L_errors":0, "L_usb_stick":0, "L_existing_boiler":742, "mode":1 }, "weather":{ "L_temp":160, "L_clouds":71,

dominikamann commented 1 week ago


yes this is possible. Please tell me the correct unit and factor then I will extend the integration. You can find this out by using "?" in the REST-URL.

gmbh07 commented 1 week ago

Good Moring,

thanks for your support. Here are the information:

"system":{ "system_info":"system global variables", "L_ambient":{"val":89, "unit":"°C", "factor":0.1, "min":-32768, "max":32767, "text":"Außentemperatur"}, "L_errors":{"val":0, "factor":1, "min":-32768, "max":32767, "text":"Fehler"}, "L_usb_stick":{"val":0, "format":"0:Aus|1:Ein", "text":"Usb Stick erkannt"}, "L_existing_boiler":{"val":272, "unit":"°C", "factor":0.1, "min":-32768, "max":32767, "text":"Bestehender Kessel"}, "mode":{"val":1, "format":"0:Aus|1:Auto|2:Warmwasser", "text":"Betriebsart"}

dominikamann commented 5 days ago

Thanks I will integrate it once I'm at home. Currently I'm in Spain without access to a PC. I will let you know once it is done 👍