dominikbraun / timetrace

A simple CLI for tracking your working time.
Apache License 2.0
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Idea:consider adding feature for project management? #177

Open RedemptionC opened 2 years ago

RedemptionC commented 2 years ago

like: how much time will this project take,what's the deadline so we can know how much time should we continue to put into this project,or how much time should we invest for one day Or something like tomato clock is also useful,because it can help us focus and remaind us of making records

I have these ideas because I used to use an APP which provide these,but it's not open source,and is's not actively maintained :(

dominikbraun commented 2 years ago

Adding information like how much time is left for a project would be a nice feature! I'm going to think about how this could be implemented exactly. Feel free to describe your particular use cases and ideas 👍

RedemptionC commented 2 years ago

@dominikbraun Sorry for the late reply I'd like to share my experience of using that APP:

set goals

First,we add goals(like projects in timetrace),we can divide them into a habbit to develop or a goal to accomplish If that's a habbit,we don't set deadline or how much time we will invest in that If's that's a goal,such as passing an exam or learning something,we set deadline and approximately how much time we will pay,thus we know how much time we should pay daily

recording time

that APP divides your time into fixed use(not directly relavent to your goals),sleep time(maybe someone want to tract their sleep time:) ),and investment(time paid for your goals) there are 3 ways to record their time:

tomato clock

set a timer,focus on your goal,when it expires,add that record to your goal's records

start when you begin,end when you stop

just like that in timetrace

add records directly

maybe sometime we don't record our time used in time


this app has good statistics functionality: it can record how much time you spend on each category using pie chart,which is very impressive also,it has statistics over the long term: how much time you spend on your goals this week? per day? it also have a line chart for the statistics over the past few weeks

most of them are pretty useful to me,what's your opinion?

plus: it can attach a message for each record to explain what exactly was done,or some other helpful message