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Web: Testing main issue #88

Open stefanhopman1 opened 11 months ago

stefanhopman1 commented 11 months ago


step 1: Local testing step 2: automated testing via Github step 3: Slack notification per pr request if tests fail


giannivanlooij commented 10 months ago

currently seting up a cypress automated test env

Timmhart commented 1 month ago

Host experience

User story

As a tester, I want to ensure that the host dashboard and accommodation onboarding process function smoothly, so hosts can efficiently manage their properties and complete onboarding without issues.

Example mapping

Accept criteria

Timmhart commented 1 month ago

Guest experience

User story

As a tester, I want to ensure that the guest dashboard and booking engine work seamlessly, so guests can book accommodations and manage their reservations without any problems.

Example mapping

Accept criteria