domluna / JuliaFormatter.jl

An opinionated code formatter for Julia. Plot twist - the opinion is your own.
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Formatting is very slow #633

Open jmcantrell opened 2 years ago

jmcantrell commented 2 years ago

I've just started trying out this package, and it's extremely slow. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't doing something wrong.

For a simple file, print("hello, world"), the following command takes over 20 seconds:

julia -e 'using JuliaFormatter; format_file("test.jl")'

I'm using the version in the arch linux repos (julia version 1.7.3).

domluna commented 2 years ago

on my machine, macbook air M1 (2020)

λ ~: time julia -e 'using JuliaFormatter; format_file("test.jl")'

julia -e 'using JuliaFormatter; format_file("test.jl")'  6.68s user 1.45s system 111% cpu 7.299 total

This is on 1.8 rc

time to first format is slow at the moment. It's something I'd like to tackle eventually. I think with the new tooling introduced in 1.8+ we could make some improvements is another option or if you use VSCode then this is already done for you.

jmcantrell commented 2 years ago

I'm wondering if something similar could be done to make a command line app that could be used in build processes or Is it noticeably faster when compiled?

MilesCranmer commented 1 year ago

You can use a sysimage for faster formatting. Here's a script to do this.

First, build the sys image by formatting an example project and saving the Julia state:


julia -O3 --threads=auto -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate(;temp=true); Pkg.add(["JuliaFormatter", "PackageCompiler"]); open("precompile_file.jl", "w") do io; write(io, "using JuliaFormatter; format(\"'$EXAMPLE_PROJECT'\", '$FORMATTER'())"); end; using PackageCompiler; create_sysimage(["JuliaFormatter"]; sysimage_path="'$OUTPUT_SYSIMAGE'", precompile_execution_file="precompile_file.jl")'

(Note that this will set up a temp environment for you to build it; no need to worry about installing PackageCompiler yourself)

This will saves a sysimage to /Users/mcranmer/ Then, I can startup much quicker with this:

julia --threads=auto -J /Users/mcranmer/  -e 'using JuliaFormatter; format(".", BlueStyle())'

On my system, this takes me from 13.04 s down to 1.56 s!

MilesCranmer commented 1 year ago

I come back to this issue all the time when I forget how to do this. So, here are some bash functions that I put into my .bashrc. Hopefully this is helpful to others:


function jformat {
    if [ -e $JULIA_FORMATTER_SO ]; then
        echo "Could not find $JULIA_FORMATTER_SO, so will build it..."

    cd $project
    julia --startup-file=no --threads=auto -J $JULIA_FORMATTER_SO -O0 --compile=min -e 'using JuliaFormatter; format("."; verbose=true)'
    cd $OLD
function build_jformat {
    # Build a formatting image using an example project
    WORKDIR=$(mktemp -d)
    cd $WORKDIR
    git clone --depth 1 --quiet  # Not used; just an example project with a lot of code to format. Change if you want.
    cd SymbolicRegression.jl
        julia --startup-file=no --compile=yes -O3 --threads=auto -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate(; temp=true); Pkg.add(["JuliaFormatter", "PackageCompiler"]); open("precompile_file.jl", "w") do io; write(io, "using JuliaFormatter; format(\".\")"); end; using PackageCompiler; create_sysimage(["JuliaFormatter"]; sysimage_path="'$JULIA_FORMATTER_SO'", precompile_execution_file="precompile_file.jl")'
    } || {
        echo "Building format file failed. Exiting."
    cd $OLD

This gives you a very fast jformat command, which will format the current directory (default), or whatever directory you pass (e.g., jformat ~/my/julia/project).

The first time you run jformat, it will build the file:

Could not find /mnt/home/mcranmer/, so will build it...
/tmp/tmp.wvryCttsgd ~/SymbolicRegression.jl
/tmp/tmp.wvryCttsgd/SymbolicRegression.jl /tmp/tmp.wvryCttsgd ~/SymbolicRegression.jl
  Activating new project at `/tmp/jl_pivnKl`
   Resolving package versions...
    Updating `/tmp/jl_pivnKl/Project.toml`
  [98e50ef6] + JuliaFormatter v1.0.26
  [9b87118b] + PackageCompiler v2.1.5
    Updating `/tmp/jl_pivnKl/Manifest.toml`
[ Info: PackageCompiler: Executing /tmp/tmp.wvryCttsgd/SymbolicRegression.jl/precompile_file.jl => /tmp/jl_packagecompiler_YeNbB9/jl_HOzZT7
[ Info: PackageCompiler: Done
 [02m:42s] PackageCompiler: compiling incremental system image

this creates $HOME/ (default, or just change that env variable), which is a system image for fast startup of JuliaFormatter. The command jformat will use this when running:


which automatically runs JuliaFormatter.format(".") with a compiled system image, and --threads=auto.

xgdgsc commented 1 year ago

I see unstable formatting times in vscode remote (sometimes instant, sometimes 10 seconds). Does compiled package also have unstable times? Would it be possible a prebuilt package (large size is fine) is provided and a vscode setting to set using this cli app is provided for those notice the slowness?

complyue commented 11 months ago

I noticed it too, each time a new VSCode window opened, the first time formatting .jl file will delay a few seconds, later formatting happens instantly. Maybe can provide an option to do the tricks here to ease the users?

complyue commented 11 months ago

May this trick work for JuliaFormatter.jl?

# Just parse some file as a precompile workload
let filename = joinpath(@__DIR__, "literal_parsing.jl")
    text = read(filename, String)
    parseall(Expr, text)
    parseall(SyntaxNode, text)
    if _has_v1_6_hooks
        Meta.parse("1 + 2")