dommilosz / minecraft-auth

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Revoking MS Tokens #10

Open benrobson opened 1 year ago

benrobson commented 1 year ago

Let me know if you need more detail... Just looking for a method where on logout you can revoke the MS Account/Session or if the user logs in with the wrong account, or if there's an error with logging in, I can revoke the session/token.

dommilosz commented 1 year ago

You cannot revoke access token but can revoke refresh token. Also if you want to revoke only Minecraft session I think it would be easy to implement too. Source:

dommilosz commented 1 year ago

I can't really find anything useful. This link above is for graph ql which from my testing is not for revoking this kind of tokens. I think it's safe to simply forget about the token and if user really wants to remove it he can go to authorised applications and remove it

dommilosz commented 1 year ago

Most of the unofficial minecraft launchers have no option to remove the app in the launcher itself.

benrobson commented 1 year ago

So is there a way to effectively "logout" of the session without having to have the user clear their cache?

dommilosz commented 1 year ago

I think user has to remove the app in his Microsoft account to revoke the tokens.