dommilosz / minecraft-auth

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Disable or use custom function for logs #20

Closed CordonZeus22 closed 9 months ago

CordonZeus22 commented 9 months ago

Would it be possible to add an option for disable the logs or use a custom function to be used instead of the console.log ?

Also, would it be possible to add a log when the MS Token Server is close ?

dommilosz commented 9 months ago

You know when the server closes either by catching exception or successfully getting the code so you can implement your own logging in that case.

dommilosz commented 9 months ago

As for disabling/changing the logger I think more universal would be adding onstart callback so you can execute any code you want on server startup. There is only one console.log in the code so I don't think logger changing would be that needed.

export async function listenForCode(_serverConfig: Partial<ServerConfigType> = {}, onstart?:(host:string, port:number)=>any): Promise<string> {
    const serverConfig: ServerConfigType = {port: 8080, host: "localhost", timeout: 30 * 1000, ..._serverConfig}

    const server = await createServer(serverConfig);
    if (onstart){
        onstart(, serverConfig.port)
        console.log(`MS Token Server is running on http://${}:${serverConfig.port}`);

    return _listenForCode(server, serverConfig);
CordonZeus22 commented 9 months ago

I'm ok with that, but if an onstart callback is added, why don't add an onclose callback ? I think it's more logic than awaiting the result for knowing the state of the server cause it can be handled with the close event of the server. For the code you send, the log isn't in the createServer function and called by the callback of the listen method ?

dommilosz commented 9 months ago

Take a look on #21. I've added onstart, onclose and oncode callbacks

CordonZeus22 commented 9 months ago

For onstart callback, why don't use the callback of the listen method like before ? For onclose callback, I thought use the close event from the server. I have pushed that on my fork if you want to check