Open henawey-t opened 1 month ago
fixed by creating rules.xml with custom command of
<command group="test" expected-return="0" working-directory=".">flutter test</command>
Hi, I'm getting the same problem, where should I add this commands tag?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mutations version="1.1">
<!-- The rules element describes all mutations done during a mutation test -->
<!-- The following children are parsed: literal and regex -->
<!-- A literal element matches the literal text -->
<!-- A regex element mutates source code if the regular expression matches -->
<!-- Each of them must have at least one mutation child -->
<command group="test" expected-return="0" working-directory=".">flutter test</command>
<!-- A literal element matches the literal text and replaces it with the list of mutations -->
<!-- Replaces 'and' and 'or' with each other -->
<literal text="&&" id="builtin.and">
<mutation text="||"/>
<literal text="||" id="builtin.or">
<mutation text="&&"/>
<!-- Replaces assignments with other assignments -->
<literal text="+=" id="builtin.op.add_assign">
<mutation text="="/>
<literal text="-=" id="builtin.op.sub_assign">
<mutation text="="/>
<literal text="*=" id="builtin.op.mul_assign">
<mutation text="="/>
<literal text="/=" id="builtin.op.div_assign">
<mutation text="="/>
<literal text="&=" id="builtin.op.and_assign">
<mutation text="="/>
<literal text="^=" id="builtin.op.or_assign">
<mutation text="="/>
<!-- Replaces comparison operators -->
<literal text="==" id="builtin.op.eq">
<mutation text="!="/>
<literal text="!=" id="builtin.op.neq">
<mutation text="=="/>
<literal text="<=" id="builtin.op.leq">
<mutation text="=="/>
<mutation text="<"/>
<literal text=">=" id="builtin.op.geq">
<mutation text="=="/>
<mutation text=">"/>
<!-- It is also possible to match a regular expression with capture groups. -->
<!-- If the optional attribute dotAll is set to true, then the . will also match newlines. -->
<!-- If not present, the default value for dotAll is false. -->
<!-- Here, we capture everything inside of the braces of "if ()" -->
<regex pattern="[\s]if[\s]*\((.*?)\)[\s]*{" dotAll="true" id="builtin.if">
<!-- You can access groups via $1. -->
<!-- If your string contains a $ followed by a number that should not be replaced, escape the dollar \$ -->
<!-- If your string contains a \$ followed by a number that should not be replaced, escape the slash \\$ -->
<!-- Tabs and newlines should also be escaped. -->
<mutation text=" if (!($1)) {"/>
<!-- Matches long chains of && -->
<regex pattern="&([^&()]+?)&" dotAll="true" id="builtin.logical.and_chain">
<mutation text="&!($1)&"/>
<!-- Matches long chains of || -->
<regex pattern="\|([^|()]+?)\|" dotAll="true" id="builtin.logical.or_chain">
<mutation text="|!($1)|"/>
<regex pattern="\(([^$(]*?)&&([^$()]*?)\)" id="builtin.logical.and_chain2">
<mutation text="(!($1)&&$2)"/>
<mutation text="($1&&!($2))"/>
<regex pattern="\(([^|(]*?)\|\|([^()|]*?)\)" id="builtin.logical.or_chain2">
<mutation text="(!($1)||$2)"/>
<mutation text="($1||!($2))"/>
<!-- Replace start of conditional block -->
<regex pattern="if\s*\(([^|&\)]*?)([|&][|&])" id="builtin.if.start">
<mutation text="if (!($1)$2"/>
<!-- Replace end of conditional block -->
<regex pattern="([|&][|&])([^|&]*?)\)" id="builtin.if.end">
<mutation text="$1!($2))"/>
<regex pattern="([|&][|&])[\s]*?\(" dotAll="true" id="builtin.logical.chain_not">
<mutation text="$1!("/>
<!-- Replaces numbers with negative values -->
<regex pattern="([\s=\(])([1-9\.]+[0-9]+|0\.0*[1-9])" id="builtin.number.negative">
<mutation text="$1-$2"/>
<!-- checks if neighboring arguments may have been mixed up -->
<!-- switch function call arguments. Matches 2 args -->
<regex pattern="([\s][a-zA-Z]+?[^(;\s{}]*?)\s*\(([^,:;{}(]+?),([^,:;{}(]+?)\)\s*;" id="builtin.function.arg2">
<mutation text="$1($3,$2);"/>
<!-- switch function call arguments. Matches 3 args -->
<regex pattern="([\s][a-zA-Z]+?[^\(;\s{}]*?)\s*\(([^,:;{}(]+?),([^,:;{}(]+?),([^,:;{}(]+?)\)\s*;" id="builtin.function.arg3">
<mutation text="$1($3,$2,$4);"/>
<mutation text="$1($2,$4,$3);"/>
<!-- switch function call arguments. Matches 4 args -->
<regex pattern="([\s][a-zA-Z]+?[^\(;\s{}]*?)\s*\(([^,:;{}(]+?),([^,:;{}(]+?),([^,:;{}(]+?),([^,:;{}(]+?)\)\s*;" id="builtin.function.arg4">
<mutation text="$1($3,$2,$4,$5);"/>
<mutation text="$1($2,$4,$3,$5);"/>
<mutation text="$1($2,$3,$5,$4);"/>
<!-- Replaces arithmetic operators with their opposite -->
<regex pattern="\+([^=])" id="builtin.arith.add">
<mutation text="-$1"/>
<regex pattern="-([^=])" id="builtin.arith.sub">
<mutation text="+$1"/>
<regex pattern="\*([^=])" id="builtin.arith.mul">
<mutation text="/$1"/>
<regex pattern="/([^=])" id="builtin.arith.div">
<mutation text="*$1"/>
<!-- Removes break; statements for c++ switches -->
<regex pattern="break;(\s+)case" id="builtin.switch.break">
<mutation text="$1case"/>
<!-- Removes entries in a list in dart -->
<regex pattern="([=:>]\s*)\[([^\],]+),([^\]]+)\]" id="builtin.list.clear">
<mutation text="$1[]"/>
<!-- Removes function calls that are not returned or assigned to a value -->
<regex pattern="([{]\s*)([^\(;=\s}]+\([^;]+\)\s*;)" id="builtin.function.removeVoidCall1">
<mutation text="$1"/>
<regex pattern="([};]\s*)([^\(;=\s}]+\([^;]+\)\s*;)" id="builtin.function.removeVoidCall2">
<mutation text="$1"/>
<!-- This element creates a blacklist, allowing you to exclude parts from the mutations -->
<!-- excludes anything between two tokens -->
<!-- single line comments -->
<token begin="//" end="\n"/>
<!-- exclude dart exports and imports -->
<token begin="export '" end="';"/>
<token begin="import '" end="';"/>
<token begin="export "" end="";"/>
<token begin="import "" end="";"/>
<!-- excludes anything that matches a pattern -->
<!-- multi line comments -->
<regex pattern="/[*].*?[*]/" dotAll="true"/>
<!-- exclude increment and decrement operators. Produces mostly false positives. -->
<regex pattern="\+\+"/>
<regex pattern="--"/>
<!-- excludes loops from mutations to prevent tests to run forever -->
<regex pattern="[\s]for[\s]*\(.*?\)[\s]*{" dotAll="true"/>
<regex pattern="[\s]while[\s]*\(.*?\)[\s]*{.*?}" dotAll="true"/>
<!-- lines can also be globally excluded -->
<!-- line index starts at 1 -->
<!-- lines begin="1" end="2"/-->
<!-- It is possible to exclude files using the file element. -->
<!-- <file>path/to/exclude.dart</file> -->
dart run mutation_test -r mutation_test_default_config.xml
Found 45 mutations in 21 source files!
Error while processing:
ProcessException: O sistema não pode encontrar o arquivo especificado.
Command: flutter test
3.24.3 Flutter SDK 3.5.3 (Flutter) Dart SDK
Crash and no report generated
however, the
flutter test
is working fine.Flutter 3.24.3 • channel stable • Framework • revision 2663184aa7 (4 weeks ago) • 2024-09-11 16:27:48 -0500 Engine • revision 36335019a8 Tools • Dart 3.5.3 • DevTools 2.37.3