dompdf / php-svg-lib

SVG file parsing / rendering library
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
1.4k stars 77 forks source link

Color keyword "none" not parsed correctly #100

Closed bsweeney closed 7 months ago

bsweeney commented 1 year ago

When an element is contained within a group element, the group element attributes override the attributes of its children.

<svg width="600" height="600" xmlns="">
    <g fill="none">
        <rect width="100" height="100" fill="orange" stroke="blue" stroke-width="20" />

Expected Rendering: group-attr-expected

Actual Rendering: group-attr-actual

bsweeney commented 1 year ago

Additional samples from

<svg width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 10 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M0.703125 15.8125C2.57812 15.2865 3.51562 14.0755 3.51562 12.1797V10.625C3.51562 9.52604 3.97917 8.97656 4.90625 8.97656V7.35938C4 7.35938 3.53646 6.84115 3.51562 5.80469V4.14844C3.51562 3.1849 3.28125 2.40625 2.8125 1.8125C2.34375 1.21875 1.64062 0.789062 0.703125 0.523438L0.265625 1.78125C0.661458 1.92708 0.960938 2.18229 1.16406 2.54688C1.36719 2.90625 1.47396 3.40625 1.48438 4.04688V5.6875C1.48438 6.86458 1.95052 7.6901 2.88281 8.16406C1.95052 8.64323 1.48438 9.47396 1.48438 10.6562V12.3125C1.45833 13.5312 1.05208 14.276 0.265625 14.5469L0.703125 15.8125Z" fill="#00CFB4"/>
<path d="M5.70312 15.8125C7.57812 15.2865 8.51562 14.0755 8.51562 12.1797V10.625C8.51562 9.52604 8.97917 8.97656 9.90625 8.97656V7.35938C9 7.35938 8.53646 6.84115 8.51562 5.80469V4.14844C8.51562 3.1849 8.28125 2.40625 7.8125 1.8125C7.34375 1.21875 6.64062 0.789062 5.70312 0.523438L5.26562 1.78125C5.66146 1.92708 5.96094 2.18229 6.16406 2.54688C6.36719 2.90625 6.47396 3.40625 6.48438 4.04688V5.6875C6.48438 6.86458 6.95052 7.6901 7.88281 8.16406C6.95052 8.64323 6.48438 9.47396 6.48438 10.6562V12.3125C6.45833 13.5312 6.05208 14.276 5.26562 14.5469L5.70312 15.8125Z" fill="#00CFB4"/>
<svg width="11" height="16" viewBox="0 0 11 16" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M9.57812 15.8125C7.70312 15.2865 6.76562 14.0755 6.76562 12.1797V10.625C6.76562 9.52604 6.30208 8.97656 5.375 8.97656V7.35938C6.28125 7.35938 6.74479 6.84115 6.76562 5.80469V4.14844C6.76562 3.1849 7 2.40625 7.46875 1.8125C7.9375 1.21875 8.64062 0.789062 9.57812 0.523438L10.0156 1.78125C9.61979 1.92708 9.32031 2.18229 9.11719 2.54688C8.91406 2.90625 8.80729 3.40625 8.79688 4.04688V5.6875C8.79688 6.86458 8.33073 7.6901 7.39844 8.16406C8.33073 8.64323 8.79688 9.47396 8.79688 10.6562V12.3125C8.82292 13.5312 9.22917 14.276 10.0156 14.5469L9.57812 15.8125Z" fill="#00CFB4"/>
<path d="M4.57812 15.8125C2.70312 15.2865 1.76562 14.0755 1.76562 12.1797V10.625C1.76562 9.52604 1.30208 8.97656 0.375 8.97656V7.35938C1.28125 7.35938 1.74479 6.84115 1.76562 5.80469V4.14844C1.76562 3.1849 2 2.40625 2.46875 1.8125C2.9375 1.21875 3.64062 0.789062 4.57812 0.523438L5.01562 1.78125C4.61979 1.92708 4.32031 2.18229 4.11719 2.54688C3.91406 2.90625 3.80729 3.40625 3.79688 4.04688V5.6875C3.79688 6.86458 3.33073 7.6901 2.39844 8.16406C3.33073 8.64323 3.79688 9.47396 3.79688 10.6562V12.3125C3.82292 13.5312 4.22917 14.276 5.01562 14.5469L4.57812 15.8125Z" fill="#00CFB4"/>
bsweeney commented 1 year ago

I believe the issue is that php-svg-lib is attempting to parse the "none" keyword as a color array, the result being that the opacity is determined to be 0. Since the parent elements in these samples have fill="none" the child elements are not visible.

To work around the issue remove fill="none" from any element that has it.

curry684 commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that my PDFs are identical now with up to date dependencies once I removed the fill="none" from the <svg> root element. I'll subscribe to so I can test whether it fundamentally fixes it when merged.