domtronn / spaceline-all-the-icons.el

A Spaceline Mode Line theme using All The Icons for Emacs
MIT License
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PDF icon in modeline renders as #_( #108

Open peschkaj opened 5 years ago

peschkaj commented 5 years ago

The icons for PDFs in my modeline (using spaceline-all-the-icons-20190325.1602 and all-the-icons-20190320.1809) render as #_(. The usual other file types (.c, .hs, .el, etc) all get their icon rendered. PDFs are being rendered via pdf-tools.


If I evaluate (insert (all-the-icons-icon-for-file "foo.pdf")), I get a happy little PDF icon.


I have verified that fonts are installed correctly. In addition, I reviewed the troubleshooting steps for all-the-icons, but I didn't see a way to identify this particular issue.

Current environment is: Linux (Arch 5.1.15) emacs 26.2 all-the-icons-20190320.1809 pdf-tools-20190701.202 spaceline-20181223.2024 spaceline-all-the-icons-20190325.1602