domtronn / spaceline-all-the-icons.el

A Spaceline Mode Line theme using All The Icons for Emacs
MIT License
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Unconsistent vertical posititoning of text in segments #118

Open chw90 opened 2 years ago

chw90 commented 2 years ago

I can't figure out how to have all text in the spaceline at the same baseline. Look - the project name ("rcalg"), the filename ("") and the mode descriptor ("Python") are vertically offset to the rest of the text:


I have the following custimized:

   dotspacemacs-default-font '("DejaVu Sans Mono"
                               :size 11.5
                               :weight normal
                               :width normal)

And via M-x customize-group:

 '(spaceline-all-the-icons-eyebrowse-display-name nil)
 '(spaceline-all-the-icons-flycheck-alternate t)
 '(spaceline-all-the-icons-icon-set-git-ahead 'commit)
 '(spaceline-all-the-icons-icon-set-modified 'circle)
 '(spaceline-all-the-icons-icon-set-window-numbering 'square)
 '(spaceline-all-the-icons-primary-separator "")
 '(spaceline-all-the-icons-secondary-separator "")
 '(spaceline-all-the-icons-separator-type 'arrow)

Can I adjust this somehow?