domtronn / spaceline-all-the-icons.el

A Spaceline Mode Line theme using All The Icons for Emacs
MIT License
235 stars 25 forks source link

Fix emacs > 26.X.X API issues. #23

Closed jwintz closed 7 years ago

jwintz commented 7 years ago

Not tested though. My bad. Be my guest.

jwintz commented 7 years ago

Arf, didn't mean to close it, just reverted some commits :-(

domtronn commented 7 years ago

If you make some new commits, I can reopen it no worries 😅

jwintz commented 7 years ago

Just tested and committed, so please reopen it. If the diff satisfies you, please merge, otherwise, I'll be very glad to keep making it better. And BTW, thanks for the explications.


jwintz commented 7 years ago

Finally :-)

jwintz commented 7 years ago

Many thanks !

jwintz commented 7 years ago

Hi Dom,

Sorry, but I have a remaining question I can't pop outta my head, since I have a lot of ideas to contribute more.

I was first in favour of using statements like:

(setq face (plist-put face `(...))

As mentioned in the doc. Since my lisp sucks for the moment I have blindly followed your advices, but I wonder, if, in what follows:

(spaceline-define-segment all-the-icons-window-number
  "An `all-the-icons' segment depicting the current window number"
  (let* ((face `(:height ,(spaceline-all-the-icons--height 1.4) :inherit))
        (icon (cl-case icon-set
                (square  (progn
                           (setq face (append `(:height ,(spaceline-all-the-icons--height 1.2)) face))
                           (setq face (append `(:family ,(all-the-icons-material-family)) face))
                           (all-the-icons-material (format "filter_%s" window-num) :v-adjust -0.2))))))
    (propertize icon 'face face))

... :height is not specified twice (in the square case), because of the append statement. Just realised this, as I tried to get a smaller font size since all-the-icons-window-number segment looks huge in comparison with the rest of the modeline (and seems to affect its height).

screen shot 2017-04-24 at 19 19 31
jwintz commented 7 years ago

I think I can confirm, the first occurence has precedence.

screen shot 2017-04-24 at 19 49 10