domtronn / spaceline-all-the-icons.el

A Spaceline Mode Line theme using All The Icons for Emacs
MIT License
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Problems on configuration spaceline-all-the-icons.el with Spacemacs #95

Open BowenWang opened 6 years ago

BowenWang commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am trying to configure the spaceline-all-hte-icons with Spacemacs, it seems that no matter how I change the segments options, it's still the same, is there any tutorial on configuring spaceline-all-the-icons with Spacemacs?

The method I use: I first create a layer using the method here

But I rewrite something in package.el in the directory ~/.emacs.d/private/my-spaceline, here is my packages.el file: (defconst my-spaceline-packages '(all-the-icons spaceline spaceline-all-the-icons bookmark winum eyebrowse projectile multiple-cursors git-gutter flycheck which-function yahoo-weather fancy-battery nyan-mode)

(defun my-spaceline/init-all-the-icons () (use-package all-the-icons :config (setq neo-theme 'icons)))

(defun my-spaceline/init-spaceline () (use-package spaceline))

(defun my-spaceline/init-spaceline-all-the-icons () (use-package spaceline-all-the-icons :after spaceline :config (progn (spaceline-all-the-icons-theme) (spaceline-all-the-icons--setup-anzu) (spaceline-all-the-icons--setup-package-updates) (spaceline-all-the-icons--setup-paradox) (spaceline-all-the-icons--setup-neotree) (spaceline-toggle-all-the-icons-battery-status-on) )))

Any ideas?

BowenWang commented 6 years ago

Is this because i didn't initialize the packages that provide the service?

For example, when I try to toggle the batter status on like in the above configuration, it doesn't change anything, I didn't see any batter status on the mode line. I saw some warning while the Emacs is loading all the packages at the start, the warning says

The warning information is in the image I attached. emacs

syl20bnr commented 6 years ago

Did you open an issue on spacemacs repo ? I think this is better to start from there instead. Use the key binding SPC h I from spacemacs to open a new issue.

practicalli-johnny commented 4 years ago

If you are still interested, you can toggle the segments using SPC SPC spaceline-toggle-all-the-icons- and the name of the segment.

You can also add these functions to the dotspacemacs/user-config section of your .spacemacs file. For example:
