don-tay / simpledb

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Bug Bounty 5: Distinct, Group By and Aggregates #39

Open tishyakhanna97 opened 2 years ago

tishyakhanna97 commented 2 years ago


don-tay commented 2 years ago

Test queries agg over 1 table

select majorid, count(sid), avg(sid), min(sid), max(sid), sum(sid), avg(majorid), min(gradyear) from student group by majorid

agg over 2 table join

select sectionid, count(sid), avg(majorid), min(eid), max(gradyear) from student, enroll where sid=studentid group by sectionid

aggregate over 3 table joins

select dname, sum(did), count(prof), avg(courseid), min(sectid) from dept,course,section where did=deptid and cid=courseid group by dname
don-tay commented 2 years ago

Test queries for distinct distinct on 1 table

select distinct gradyear from student

distinct on 2 tables

select distinct sname, studentid from student, enroll where sid=studentid order by sname desc
select distinct sname, eid from student, enroll where sid=studentid order by eid

distinct on 3 tables

select distinct did, title, prof from dept, course, section where did=deptid and cid=courseid order by prof
select distinct did, title, prof, yearoffered from dept, course, section where did=deptid and cid=courseid order by prof

distinct on 4 tables

select distinct sid,sname,dname,title,grade from student,dept,course,enroll where sid=studentid and deptid=did and majorid=did and sectionid = sectid

Query throwing error: EDIT: fix in #42

select distinct sname, gradyear from student
 sname gradyear
 alan    2022
  amy    2020
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field "value" because "anotherString" is null
        at java.base/java.lang.String.compareTo(
        at simpledb.query.Constant.compareTo(
        at test.SimpleIJ.doQuery(
        at test.SimpleIJ.main(