don / cordova-plugin-ble-central

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Central plugin for Apache Cordova (aka PhoneGap)
Apache License 2.0
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scan or startScan doesn't return anything on Android 7.1.2 #396

Closed shfitz closed 6 years ago

shfitz commented 7 years ago

This may or may not be related to issue #391

Hardware : Nexus 6p running 7.1.2 Issue : Calling scan and startScan do not return any devices.

I have location services activated and ble devices are visible in the bluetooth settings and scanner apps, but not in phonegap applications.

The same code works on ios. Any thoughts.

don commented 7 years ago

@shfitz Do you see any errors if you run "adb logcat"?

Can you send me the code so I can use it for debugging?

/cc @tigoe

tigoe commented 7 years ago

@don is the project @shfitz is running. I didn't see errors running Android 6, but he did in 7.

shfitz commented 7 years ago

@don @tigoe I didn't see any errors, but to be honest, I'm not sure where to look for them.

Log from starting up attached. It seems that the scan starts before i actively initiate it, which isn't what the code is supposed to do.


don commented 7 years ago

Can you see if you get different results using the 128 bit version of the UUID?

Replace FE10 with 0000FF10-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB

shfitz commented 7 years ago

I can check that in the morning, but when I don’t specify a device, nothing populates the dropdown either. For example ble.scan([], 5, discoverDevice, bleError); returns nothing either.

don commented 7 years ago

If "ble.scan([], 5, discoverDevice, bleError);" doesn't work the 128-bit UUID probably won't either. I'll try and duplicate the problem here. (It might take a few days.)

tigoe commented 7 years ago

The drop-down doesn't populate until scan runs.

I don't have an Android 7 device, so nothing I can test with yet.

On May 4, 2017 10:42 AM, "Don Coleman" wrote:

If "ble.scan([], 5, discoverDevice, bleError);" doesn't work the 128-bit UUID probably won't either. I'll try and duplicate the problem here. (It might take a few days.)

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nicearma commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem, i try to use scan or startScan and nothing happen, if i use enable and showBluetoothSettings functions seems to work fine. I'm using ionic 2 with this plugin and my device is One Plus 3 with android 7.1.1

nicearma commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to debug the app for fix the plugin, but the code source from the sdk and my phone aren't the same, but i can tell you that the findLowEnergyDevices is been call and the problem seem to be the startLeScan function call, i will try to find the source sdk code (ligne 2317 of BluetoothAdapter) that match with my device

edupaz2 commented 6 years ago


I'm having the same problem.

Device: Mediatek; Android Android 7.0; Ionic 3;

Code in app: scan() { this.ble.scan([], 5).subscribe( (device: any) => { console.log("Device "); }, (err) => { console.log("Error"); }, () => { console.log("Finished"); } ); }

Attaching logcat output: ble.logcat.txt

I saw in the logs MAC addresses being scanned, but I don´t receive any callbacks.

I'm using as a BLE device: And this apk is able to scan it:


edupaz2 commented 6 years ago

Hi again.

If you turn on the Location on your device, onLeScan callback starts to receive calls.


don commented 6 years ago

@shfitz @tigoe Sorry this took so long to track down. It looks like bad meta data in config.xml is causing this problem. I created a pull request with the updated config.xml to fix the issue

Below are the steps I used to reproduce the issue. If I repeated with my fork scan discovers devices.

Get the code mkdir ble-issue-396 cd ble-issue-396 git clone

Start the data server

cd ble-issue-396/MakingThingsTalk2/3rd_edition/chapter10/dataServer
npm install
npm start

Create the peripheral.

Open a new terminal
cd MakingThingsTalk2/3rd_edition/chapter10/Arduino101GSRSensor

Open Arduino101GSRSensor.ino with Arduino IDE 1.8.3 Use the Board Manager to update/install Intel Curie Boards v2.0.2 Compile and deploy to Arduino 101

Compile the Cordova app

cd MakingThingsTalk2/3rd_edition/chapter10/BleDatalogger

Change the in index.html and sketch.js to match ip address of laptop

cordova platform add android

Plug in Android phone & deploy the app

cordova run android --device

App will prompt for access to location. Choose Allow. Press the "Scan for devices" When scan is complete, select the Arduino 101 from the list.
