don / cordova-plugin-ble-central

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Central plugin for Apache Cordova (aka PhoneGap)
Apache License 2.0
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Accu Chek Mobile with Bluetooth adaptator #988

Closed BenLaKnet closed 8 months ago

BenLaKnet commented 8 months ago


After many months, all is running, but now, I do not understand why I can not write to BLE. I have a write error message 129, when I am doing this:

`var databuffer = new Uint8Array(2); databuffer[0] = 0x01; databuffer[1] = 0x01;

ble.startNotification(localStorage.getItem('ACMid'), "1808", "2A18", 

        int8data = new Uint8Array(datanotif);           
        //console.log("Hooray we have data notif : " + JSON.stringify( int8data ));

        syncid = int8data[1] & 255;
        syncid |= (int8data[2] & 255) << 8;

        val = int8data[12];

        annee = int8data[3] & 255;
        annee |= (int8data[4] & 255) << 8;

        mois = addZero(int8data[5]);
        jour = addZero(int8data[6]);

        h = addZero(int8data[7]);
        m = addZero(int8data[8]);
        s = addZero(int8data[9]);

        datehms = annee + "-" + mois + "-" + jour + " " + h +":"+m+":"+s;

        //console.log("syncid: " + syncid + " val: " + val + " à " + datehms);

        if (! arrFait[syncid]) {

            arrFait[syncid] = {
                syncid  : syncid,
                val     : val,
                datehms : datehms

        addMyContenu("Failed notif from device. " + JSON.stringify(failure), 1);
        console.log("Failed notif from device. " + JSON.stringify(failure));

ble.write(localStorage.getItem('ACMid'), "1808", "2A52", databuffer.buffer, 
        console.log("Hooray we have data write : " + JSON.stringify( data ));               
        addMyContenu("Failed write from device. " + JSON.stringify(failure), 1);
        console.log("Failed write from device. " + JSON.stringify(failure));

Please... help...

And I have problems with iOS, I do not understand why it does not work, when I scan peripheral...

peitschie commented 8 months ago

Hi @BenLaKnet

Are you able to grab the ADB logs for one of these failures? E.g., adb logcat > debug.logs

Have you tried with nrf Connect to see if that gets the same issue on write?

It's pretty likely something specific with your device... but perhaps we can figure out what to do to workaround it...

peitschie commented 8 months ago

As an aside, if you are using modern JS there, I'd highly recommend switching to the ble.withPromises versions of those methods.


await ble.withPromises.startNotification(localStorage.getItem('ACMid'), "1808", "2A18", ...);
await ble.withPromises.write(localStorage.getItem('ACMid'), "1808", "2A52", databuffer.buffer);

It's possible the issue you're experiencing here is because you're starting notifications and then immediately writing to the peripheral. Many BLE stacks don't cope with this well on the peripheral side.

BenLaKnet commented 8 months ago

Many Thanks @peitschie ,

I tried your code update, I have to add : async function connectACMglycemiemeasurement() in my function.

But now I have this message:

""Uncaught (in promise) 129"

I found this log:

`STATE_ON connect() - device: 00:60:19:A3:43:A9, auto: false



registerApp() - UUID=daffe98c-f595-4ec6-8d5c-7e7fa5390782

onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=11

onClientConnectionState() - status=133 clientIf=11 device=00:60:19:A3:43:A9

cancelOpen() - device: 00:60:19:A3:43:A9


unregisterApp() - mClientIf=11 `

peitschie commented 8 months ago

@BenLaKnet it's pretty hard to guess, as that log snippet there is very incomplete 🙂

Have you tried writing with another application of some description?

BenLaKnet commented 8 months ago

I will try with a little part of code into a new app and try with iOS too. Many thanks @peitschie

I already had this problem: But I don't know what the problem was anymore

BenLaKnet commented 8 months ago

I have no entry in ble.withPromises.startNotification I do not understand why it does not called.

When I tried with Gluci chek app, it does not running too...

When I tried with Gluci chek app on iOS, it is running... :(

I am going to see what happens.

BenLaKnet commented 8 months ago

@peitschie, have you changed something recently in your plugin ?

I do not know when I updated my plugins.

I tried with 1.6.3 and it is the samething Error 129 Status 133 ou 19.

OK.... so sorry to disturb you...

peitschie commented 8 months ago

@BenLaKnet I've made no changes for a long time in this area. I don't use the nRF Toolbox as part of this plugin.

I have no entry in ble.withPromises.startNotification

What version of the plugin are you on currently? It might be worth trying 1.7.0 with the await syntax to see if that makes a difference?

Just to confirm, you are only starting notifications once after connecting to the device, correct? Not once per write?

BenLaKnet commented 8 months ago


Yes , I am using 1.7.0 No changes with await.

It is difficult to use nrf Connect, because it is necessary to startNotification and write to obtain values.

` function startReadDatasConfirm() {

arrFait = [];

addMyContenu("Reading...", 1);

ble.connect(localStorage.getItem('ACMid'), connectACMglycemiemeasurement, connectACMfails);


async function connectACMglycemiemeasurement() {


var databuffer = new Uint8Array(2);
databuffer[0] = 0x01;
databuffer[1] = 0x01;

await ble.withPromises.startNotification(localStorage.getItem('ACMid'), "1808", "2A18", 

        console.log("dedans Notif");

        int8data = new Uint8Array(datanotif);           
        //console.log("Hooray we have data notif : " + JSON.stringify( int8data ));

        syncid = int8data[1] & 255;
        syncid |= (int8data[2] & 255) << 8;

        val = int8data[12];

        annee = int8data[3] & 255;
        annee |= (int8data[4] & 255) << 8;

        mois = addZero(int8data[5]);
        jour = addZero(int8data[6]);

        h = addZero(int8data[7]);
        m = addZero(int8data[8]);
        s = addZero(int8data[9]);

        datehms = annee + "-" + mois + "-" + jour + " " + h +":"+m+":"+s;

        //console.log("syncid: " + syncid + " val: " + val + " à " + datehms);

        if (! arrFait[syncid]) {

            arrFait[syncid] = {
                syncid  : syncid,
                val     : val,
                datehms : datehms

        addMyContenu("Failed notif from device. " + JSON.stringify(failure), 1);
        console.log("Failed notif from device. " + JSON.stringify(failure));

await ble.withPromises.write(localStorage.getItem('ACMid'), "1808", "2A52", databuffer.buffer, 
        console.log("Hooray we have data write : " + JSON.stringify( data ));               
        addMyContenu("Failed write from device. " + JSON.stringify(failure), 1);
        console.log("Failed write from device. " + JSON.stringify(failure));


I think the problem is with Accu Chek Mobile but I do not know how to reset connections I tried to press button 5 seconds but nothing works.

I retried with Gluci chek with iOS... it is running :(.

I retried with Gluci chek with Android... it is not running :(.

I have an error message... GRrRrrRr...

BenLaKnet commented 8 months ago

Many thanks @peitschie ,

I had a problem with the Accu Chek Mobile, now it works again.

When I tried to connect to iphone, I then failed to connect to android.

You have to disconnect the Accu Chek, then press the round button until the led goes out and it's good.

Now I need to understand why it can't find the Accu Chek under iOS.

peitschie commented 8 months ago

@BenLaKnet sounds like a lot of hard debugging work there. Congratulations on getting to the bottom of things 🙂

For iOS... does the device bond at all? (e.g., show's up a pairing dialog)?

BenLaKnet commented 8 months ago

It is running with iOS, I had a part of code to detect if location is available and here... I had an issue. Not in BLE plugin.

When I submit to Apple I received this issue:

ITMS-90738: Invalid purpose string value - The “” value for the NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key isn’t allowed in “Mon”.

Many thanks @peitschie