don / cordova-plugin-ble-central

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Central plugin for Apache Cordova (aka PhoneGap)
Apache License 2.0
941 stars 601 forks source link

ble.setPin not supported on iOS #991

Closed ZdenCo closed 2 months ago

ZdenCo commented 7 months ago

I have programatically generated pin that I need to assign to the bonding dialog, on Android this works as expected but on iOS it does not. I connect to the device, send writeWithoutResponse which will trigger pin dialog on iOS. I tried to call the set pin before the write and after but nothing seems to work.

peitschie commented 7 months ago

@ZdenCo iOS doesn't have a setPin implementation at all, so that behaviour is expected, though not helpful for your usecase.

I don't actually know how to achieve PIN entry with iOS... I don't suppose you do know how?