don / ionic-ble-examples

Ionic Framework Bluetooth Low Energy Examples
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How to display Subscribe data in HTML which is continuous change every second in Angular 4 #16

Open Ashclan opened 5 years ago

Ashclan commented 5 years ago

i m working BLE native library in ionic. I m try to display heartbeat on screen. Here,i m able to get heartrate value on console.log() which is continuously change. what i want is to show heartrate value in html page live.

{{ heartrate }}

Where heartrate:number = 0;global variable.

This is my code

this.ble.startNotification("EB:53:D1:0A:A0:78", "180D", "2A37").subscribe((buffer)=>{



  console.log('array : ', String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buffer)));
  const value = new DataView(buffer);

  console.log("I am value: ", JSON.stringify(value));

  const flags = value.getUint8(0);

  console.log('FLAGS', flags);


   this.heartRate = value.getUint8(1);
   console.log('HEART RATE 8 bit: ', this.heartRate);

 }else if(this.session.isOdd(flags)){
   this.heartRate = value.getUint16(2);
   console.log('HEART RATE 16 bit: ', this.heartRate);
tearforfear007 commented 5 years ago

I think you have your answer already, your {{ heartrate }} in HTML should work fine. ^^