donaldzou / WGDashboard

Simple dashboard for WireGuard VPN written in Python & Vue.js
Apache License 2.0
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Idea for Improving VPN Configuration with Additional Protocols #466

Open mizoil opened 1 week ago

mizoil commented 1 week ago


I want to propose my idea, which supports WireGuard and includes the protocols AmneziaWG, VLESS, Vmess, and Shadowsocks.

Why is my idea good? I chose these protocols because they provide convenience in setup and usage. When I create a configuration, it's easier for me to copy it from the clipboard or use a QR code, rather than manually sending a file. This is especially useful if there's no access to a laptop (for example, when you're not at home and can't activate the QR code — in that case, you'll have to send the file manually, which can be tricky due to errors in file transfer or problems with the file name, especially if it's too long or if there are issues in messaging apps like Telegram). In these situations, VLESS is a more convenient solution, as it allows you to simply copy the text from the clipboard and paste it on a mobile device.

Using WireGuard combined with VLESS and other protocols ensures stable internet speed and ease of use. It's a good option for providing security and high speed.

I also like the idea of using AmneziaWG — this protocol has several advantages and is a useful addition.

What do you think? Do you think I made the right choice with the protocols and ease of use?

I'd love to hear your opinion! =)

donaldzou commented 1 week ago

Hi! Thank you for providing input. In latest version v4.1.0, you are able to just copy the configuration file directly from WGDashboard :) I'm not too familiar with VLESS, Vmess, and Shadowsocks... will need to do some homework on this. Also I'm currently working to support AmneziaWG, please stay tuned!

mizoil commented 1 week ago

Hi! Thank you for providing input. In latest version v4.1.0, you are able to just copy the configuration file directly from WGDashboard :) I'm not too familiar with VLESS, Vmess, and Shadowsocks... will need to do some homework on this. Also I'm currently working to support AmneziaWG, please stay tuned!

Thank you for the suggestion. Great, I will be waiting for the VLESS setup. I hope it works out for you, and also that AmneziaWG will be released after the update.

NOXCIS commented 1 week ago


def updatePeer(self, name: str, private_key: str, preshared_key: str, dns_addresses: str, allowed_ip: str, endpoint_allowed_ip: str, mtu: int, keepalive: int) -> ResponseObject: if not self.configuration.getStatus(): self.configuration.toggleConfiguration()

    existingAllowedIps = [item for row in list(
        map(lambda x: [q.strip() for q in x.split(',')],
            map(lambda y: y.allowed_ip,
                list(filter(lambda k: !=, self.configuration.getPeersList()))))) for item in row]

    if allowed_ip in existingAllowedIps:
        return ResponseObject(False, "Allowed IP already taken by another peer")
    if not _checkIPWithRange(endpoint_allowed_ip):
        return ResponseObject(False, f"Endpoint Allowed IPs format is incorrect")
    if len(dns_addresses) > 0 and not _checkDNS(dns_addresses):
        return ResponseObject(False, f"DNS format is incorrect")
    if mtu < 0 or mtu > 1460:
        return ResponseObject(False, "MTU format is not correct")
    if keepalive < 0:
        return ResponseObject(False, "Persistent Keepalive format is not correct")
    if len(private_key) > 0:
        pubKey = _generatePublicKey(private_key)
        if not pubKey[0] or pubKey[1] !=
            return ResponseObject(False, "Private key does not match with the public key")

        #Retrieve the current interface address
        interface_address = subprocess.check_output(
            f"ip addr show {self.configuration.Name} | grep 'inet ' | awk '{{print $2}}'", 

        # Set up peer update
        rd = random.Random()
        uid = uuid.UUID(int=rd.getrandbits(128), version=4)
        pskExist = len(preshared_key) > 0

        if pskExist:
            with open(f"{uid}", "w+") as f:

        newAllowedIPs = allowed_ip.replace(" ", "")

        # Update peer configuration with wg set
        updateAllowedIp = subprocess.check_output(
            f"wg set {self.configuration.Name} peer {} allowed-ips {newAllowedIPs}{f' preshared-key {uid}' if pskExist else ''}",
            shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT

        if pskExist:

        if len(updateAllowedIp.decode().strip("\n")) != 0:
            return ResponseObject(False, "Update peer failed when updating Allowed IPs")

        # Save configuration with wg-quick save
        saveConfig = subprocess.check_output(f"wg-quick save {self.configuration.Name}",
                                            shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        if f"wg showconf {self.configuration.Name}" not in saveConfig.decode().strip('\n'):
            return ResponseObject(False, "Update peer failed when saving the configuration")

        # Rewrite the interface address to config file
            # Read the existing configuration file
            with open(f"/etc/wireguard/{self.configuration.Name}.conf", "r") as conf_file:
                lines = conf_file.readlines()

            # Find the position of the [Interface] section
            interface_index = None
            for i, line in enumerate(lines):
                if line.strip() == "[Interface]":
                    interface_index = i

            # Check if Address is already present
            address_present = any(line.strip().startswith("Address") for line in lines)

            # If [Interface] section was found and Address is not present, insert the address below it
            if interface_index is not None:
                if not address_present:
                    lines.insert(interface_index + 1, f"Address = {interface_address}\n")

                    # Write the updated configuration back to the file
                    with open(f"/etc/wireguard/{self.configuration.Name}.conf", "w") as conf_file:

        except IOError:
            return ResponseObject(False, "Failed to write the interface address to the config file")

        # Update database
            '''UPDATE '%s' SET name = ?, private_key = ?, DNS = ?, endpoint_allowed_ip = ?, mtu = ?, 
            keepalive = ?, preshared_key = ? WHERE id = ?''' % self.configuration.Name,
            (name, private_key, dns_addresses, endpoint_allowed_ip, mtu,
            keepalive, preshared_key,,)

        return ResponseObject()

    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
        return ResponseObject(False, exc.output.decode("UTF-8").strip())

def toggleConfiguration(self) -> [bool, str]: self.getStatus() interface_address = self.get_awg_iface_address()

    if self.Status:
            check = subprocess.check_output(f"wg-quick down {self.Name}",
                                            shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
            return False, str(exc.output.strip().decode("utf-8"))
        # Write the interface address after bringing it down
        write_error = self.patch_awg_iface_address(interface_address)
        if write_error:
            return write_error

            check = subprocess.check_output(f"wg-quick up {self.Name}",
                                            shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
            return False, str(exc.output.strip().decode("utf-8"))

    return True, None

Patch Function for fuctions above to support AmneziaWg

def get_awg_iface_address(self):
        interface_address = subprocess.check_output(
            f"ip addr show {self.Name} | grep 'inet ' | awk '{{print $2}}'",
        return interface_address
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        return None  # or handle the error as needed

def patch_awg_iface_address(self, interface_address):
        with open(f"/etc/wireguard/{self.Name}.conf", "r") as conf_file:
            lines = conf_file.readlines()

        interface_index = next((i for i, line in enumerate(lines) if line.strip() == "[Interface]"), None)
        address_present = any(line.strip().startswith("Address") for line in lines)

        if interface_index is not None and not address_present:
            lines.insert(interface_index + 1, f"Address = {interface_address}\n")
            with open(f"/etc/wireguard/{self.Name}.conf", "w") as conf_file:
    except IOError:
        return ResponseObject(False, "Failed to write the interface address to the config file")