donalffons / opencascade.js

Port of the OpenCascade CAD library to JavaScript and WebAssembly via Emscripten.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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"UnboundTypeError" for custom builds #60

Closed sgenoud closed 3 years ago

sgenoud commented 3 years ago

I was trying to create a custom build - the build worked, but there is an issue with the build result. I have the following message in the console:

"Cannot call gp_Vec.XYZ due to unbound types: 6gp_XYZ"

From what I understand you are adding already adding "raw pointers" in order to avoid this kind of error. What am I missing?

My custom build setup is the following:

    - symbol: Message_ProgressRange
    - symbol: TColgp_Array1OfDir

    - symbol: gp_XYZ
    - symbol: gp_Vec
    - symbol: gp_Pnt
    - symbol: gp_Dir
    - symbol: gp_Ax2
    - symbol: gp_Ax3
    - symbol: gp_GTrsf

    - symbol: TopoDS
    - symbol: TopAbs_ShapeEnum
    - symbol: TopTools_ListOfShape
    - symbol: TopAbs_Orientation
    - symbol: TopLoc_Location
    - symbol: TopExp_Explorer

    - symbol: Poly_Connect
    - symbol: StdPrs_ToolTriangulatedShape

    - symbol: BRep_Tool
    - symbol: BRepTools
    - symbol: BRepGProp
    - symbol: BRepGProp_Face
    - symbol: GProp_GProps
    - symbol: BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh

    - symbol: BRepAdaptor_Curve
    - symbol: BRepAdaptor_CompCurve
    - symbol: GeomAbs_CurveType

    - symbol: StlAPI_Writer

    - symbol: BRepAlgoAPI_Cut
    - symbol: BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse

    - symbol: BRepBuilderAPI_Transform
    - symbol: BRepCheck_Analyzer
    - symbol: BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism
    - symbol: BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid
    - symbol: BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset
    - symbol: BRepOffset_Mode
    - symbol: BRepFilletAPI_MakeChamfer
    - symbol: ChFi3d_FilletShape
    - symbol: GeomAbs_JoinType
    - symbol: cadeau
  additionalCppCode: |
    #include <emscripten/val.h>
    class cadeau: public BRepTools {
      static emscripten::val UVBounds(const TopoDS_Face &f) {
        Standard_Real uMin;
        Standard_Real uMax;
        Standard_Real vMin;
        Standard_Real vMax;
        BRepTools::UVBounds(f, uMin, uMax, vMin, vMax);
        emscripten::val ret(emscripten::val::object());
        ret.set("uMin", emscripten::val(uMin));
        ret.set("uMax", emscripten::val(uMax));
        ret.set("vMin", emscripten::val(vMin));
        ret.set("vMax", emscripten::val(vMax));
        return ret;

      static emscripten::val projectPointOnSurface( 
        const gp_Pnt & P,
        const opencascade::handle<Geom_Surface> & Surface
      ) {

        GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf projectedPoint (P, Surface);

        Standard_Real u;
        Standard_Real v;

        projectedPoint.LowerDistanceParameters(u, v);

        emscripten::val ret(emscripten::val::object());
        ret.set("u", emscripten::val(u));
        ret.set("v", emscripten::val(v));
        return ret;
    - -sEXPORT_ES6=1
    - -O3

P.S. If you want to have a look at what I am building, you can find a preview here

donalffons commented 3 years ago

Nice example! Is that done in React + React-Three-Fiber? Just out of curiosity - are those "real" parts?

For tracking down the issue, can you also share the JS code, which causes the error? Because the following works (when using a non-custom build)

    const vec = new this.oc.gp_Vec_1();
    const xyz = vec.XYZ();
sgenoud commented 3 years ago

Nice example! Just out of curiosity - are those "real" parts?

Yes, kinda - it is a reimplementation of these parts (for a baby gym)

The code that you pasted actually breaks on my machine...

  const vec = new oc.gp_Vec_1();
  console.log("ok", vec.X());
  const xyz = vec.XYZ();
  console.log("mmm", xyz);
Capture d’écran 2021-06-17 à 18 00 52

And the loading code is:

import opencascade from "./wasm/cadeau_single.js";
import opencascadeWasm from "./wasm/cadeau_single.wasm";

export default async () => {
  const OC = await opencascade({
    locateFile: () => opencascadeWasm,
  return OC;

Edit: the build results:

donalffons commented 3 years ago

Hmm, if I use the following code, I don't experience any issues... (Using a build with your yml made on my machine)

    const oc = await openCascade({
      locateFile: () => "/cadeau_single.wasm",
    const vec = new oc.gp_Vec_1();
    const xyz = vec.XYZ();


donalffons commented 3 years ago

...however, using the files from you "", I can reproduce the error.

Can you try to docker pull donalffons/opencascade.js and then docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/src -u $(id -u):$(id -g) donalffons/opencascade.js buildConfig.yml again?

sgenoud commented 3 years ago

Just did a quick rebuild before going to bed - the error is still there unfortunately. did not seem to help...

 # docker pull donalffons/opencascade.js
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from donalffons/opencascade.js
Digest: sha256:7af9122bcbb26a28eafe57f4fa0be92ff51101d3590e7ecd8e12a330759a0af4
Status: Image is up to date for donalffons/opencascade.js:latest
[Thu Jun 17 • 23:50:54] [~/workbench/cadeau] [deploy/baby-gym⚑]
 # cd wasm-build/
[Thu Jun 17 • 23:51:32] [~/workbench/cadeau/wasm-build] [deploy/baby-gym⚑]
 # docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/src -u $(id -u):$(id -g) donalffons/opencascade.js custom_build_single.yml

Edit: tried to remove the image and re-pull it - same issue

donalffons commented 3 years ago

That's weird. I'm using the exact same image (same sha256), but I get (very slightly) different build results:

Could you maybe upload the exact yml file that you are using?

What's your docker version? Mine:

# docker --version
Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df35096d

Which OS are you using? Mine:

# cat /etc/lsb-release
sgenoud commented 3 years ago
 # docker --version
Docker version 20.10.6, build 370c289

 # sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.15.5
BuildVersion:   19F101

updating my docker to match yours!

 # cat custom_build_single.yml
    - symbol: Message_ProgressRange
    - symbol: TColgp_Array1OfDir

    - symbol: gp_Vec
    - symbol: gp_Pnt
    - symbol: gp_Dir
    - symbol: gp_Ax2
    - symbol: gp_Ax3
    - symbol: gp_GTrsf

    - symbol: TopoDS
    - symbol: TopAbs_ShapeEnum
    - symbol: TopTools_ListOfShape
    - symbol: TopAbs_Orientation
    - symbol: TopLoc_Location
    - symbol: TopExp_Explorer

    - symbol: Poly_Connect
    - symbol: StdPrs_ToolTriangulatedShape

    - symbol: BRep_Tool
    - symbol: BRepTools
    - symbol: BRepGProp
    - symbol: BRepGProp_Face
    - symbol: GProp_GProps
    - symbol: BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh

    - symbol: BRepAdaptor_Curve
    - symbol: BRepAdaptor_CompCurve
    - symbol: GeomAbs_CurveType

    - symbol: StlAPI_Writer

    - symbol: BRepAlgoAPI_Cut
    - symbol: BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse

    - symbol: BRepBuilderAPI_Transform
    - symbol: BRepCheck_Analyzer
    - symbol: BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism
    - symbol: BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid
    - symbol: BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset
    - symbol: BRepOffset_Mode
    - symbol: BRepFilletAPI_MakeChamfer
    - symbol: ChFi3d_FilletShape
    - symbol: GeomAbs_JoinType
    - symbol: cadeau
  additionalCppCode: |
    #include <emscripten/val.h>
    class cadeau: public BRepTools {
      static emscripten::val UVBounds(const TopoDS_Face &f) {
        Standard_Real uMin;
        Standard_Real uMax;
        Standard_Real vMin;
        Standard_Real vMax;
        BRepTools::UVBounds(f, uMin, uMax, vMin, vMax);
        emscripten::val ret(emscripten::val::object());
        ret.set("uMin", emscripten::val(uMin));
        ret.set("uMax", emscripten::val(uMax));
        ret.set("vMin", emscripten::val(vMin));
        ret.set("vMax", emscripten::val(vMax));
        return ret;

      static emscripten::val projectPointOnSurface(
        const gp_Pnt & P,
        const opencascade::handle<Geom_Surface> & Surface
      ) {

        GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf projectedPoint (P, Surface);

        Standard_Real u;
        Standard_Real v;

        projectedPoint.LowerDistanceParameters(u, v);

        emscripten::val ret(emscripten::val::object());
        ret.set("u", emscripten::val(u));
        ret.set("v", emscripten::val(v));
        return ret;
    - -sEXPORT_ES6=1
    - -O3

edit: updating docker did not change anything

donalffons commented 3 years ago

Interesting... I managed to reproduce your problem with a build made on an AWS EC2 mac1.metal instance:

# sw_vers 
ProductName:    macOS
ProductVersion: 11.4
BuildVersion:   20F71

I have no clue why that image would produce different results on MacOS. I will look into that further...

donalffons commented 3 years ago

Argh, nevermind... I should have looked more carefully at the latest yml file that you posted.

Basically, that error message tells you that gp_XYZ is needed in that build. So just include it in your yml file, i.e.

    - symbol: Message_ProgressRange
    - symbol: TColgp_Array1OfDir

    - symbol: gp_XYZ # This was missing
    - symbol: gp_Vec
    - symbol: gp_Pnt
    - symbol: gp_Dir
    - symbol: gp_Ax2
    - symbol: gp_Ax3
    - symbol: gp_GTrsf

    - symbol: TopoDS
    - symbol: TopAbs_ShapeEnum
    - symbol: TopTools_ListOfShape
    - symbol: TopAbs_Orientation
    - symbol: TopLoc_Location
    - symbol: TopExp_Explorer

    - symbol: Poly_Connect
    - symbol: StdPrs_ToolTriangulatedShape

    - symbol: BRep_Tool
    - symbol: BRepTools
    - symbol: BRepGProp
    - symbol: BRepGProp_Face
    - symbol: GProp_GProps
    - symbol: BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh

    - symbol: BRepAdaptor_Curve
    - symbol: BRepAdaptor_CompCurve
    - symbol: GeomAbs_CurveType

    - symbol: StlAPI_Writer

    - symbol: BRepAlgoAPI_Cut
    - symbol: BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse

    - symbol: BRepBuilderAPI_Transform
    - symbol: BRepCheck_Analyzer
    - symbol: BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism
    - symbol: BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid
    - symbol: BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset
    - symbol: BRepOffset_Mode
    - symbol: BRepFilletAPI_MakeChamfer
    - symbol: ChFi3d_FilletShape
    - symbol: GeomAbs_JoinType
    - symbol: cadeau
  additionalCppCode: |
    #include <emscripten/val.h>
    class cadeau: public BRepTools {
      static emscripten::val UVBounds(const TopoDS_Face &f) {
        Standard_Real uMin;
        Standard_Real uMax;
        Standard_Real vMin;
        Standard_Real vMax;
        BRepTools::UVBounds(f, uMin, uMax, vMin, vMax);
        emscripten::val ret(emscripten::val::object());
        ret.set("uMin", emscripten::val(uMin));
        ret.set("uMax", emscripten::val(uMax));
        ret.set("vMin", emscripten::val(vMin));
        ret.set("vMax", emscripten::val(vMax));
        return ret;

      static emscripten::val projectPointOnSurface(
        const gp_Pnt & P,
        const opencascade::handle<Geom_Surface> & Surface
      ) {

        GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf projectedPoint (P, Surface);

        Standard_Real u;
        Standard_Real v;

        projectedPoint.LowerDistanceParameters(u, v);

        emscripten::val ret(emscripten::val::object());
        ret.set("u", emscripten::val(u));
        ret.set("v", emscripten::val(v));
        return ret;
    - -sEXPORT_ES6=1
    - -O3

And then (hopefully), everything should be working fine :slightly_smiling_face:.

sgenoud commented 3 years ago


I made the change, but moved the file in the mean time and it saved the changes in the wrong place. This is why the first copy had the change, but not the file I was actually using...

This was too weird to be a proper bug... sorry to have made you loose your time (and thanks for your help)!

donalffons commented 3 years ago

No worries! Thanks for testing the beta version :wink:.