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Interview: João Pataca Oliveira - Ubisoft #171

Closed donbonifacio closed 5 years ago

donbonifacio commented 5 years ago
donbonifacio commented 5 years ago

Hello João. Can you introduce yourself and talk a bit about your background and what you do?

JoaoPataca commented 5 years ago

Hello and thank you for inviting me for this interview. I am a Técnico alumnus, where I got my masters in Software Engineering. While there I developed a strong interest in game development and started spending my free time working on my own games with friends. I realised this was what I really wanted to do and once I graduated I decided I to explore AAA game development. Since that's not an option in Portugal I looked all over Europe for an opportunity and finally found one in Ubisoft Sofia. Four years have passed since then and I'm now a Lead Gameplay Programmer on Skull & Bones. I spend most of my days figuring out the best ways for my team to add value to the game, as well as planning our tasks and providing support in all of them. As often as I can I try to put my hands in some code in order to keep myself up to date on the latest developments and also to be able to provide valid feedback for my team's work.

donbonifacio commented 5 years ago

What's your process for figuring out how to add value?

JoaoPataca commented 5 years ago

In game development, as in any creative endeavour, it can be challenging to clearly define what our final product should be. We're looking to develop an experience that is fun and entertaining and this is a very abstract concept that can be interpreted in many different ways. So our development process reflects that - it's very much based on prototyping and continuous iterations. As a Lead Gameplay Programmer I strive to optimise these iterations as much as possible. It's not only about achieving the goals of the next iteration, but also working in such a way that development speed remains high during the whole development across the different teams. A higher speed means faster and higher quality iterations, which in turn guarantees a better final product. In order to achieve that goal I participate, together with my team, in the process of defining the expected results for the next iterations. This way we are able to influence both the design and the planning with our expertise.

donbonifacio commented 5 years ago

Could you give a bird's eye view of your ideal development process? For example, from an idea on someone's mind, to having it being used.

JoaoPataca commented 5 years ago

For me the best way to handle this process is by approximation. The trick is in making those approximations in a smart way. First we should prioritise easy and fast solutions that will answer the main questions - "does it add value to the game?" and "can we do it within the constraints we have?". From there, we should continue approximating by answering increasingly detailed questions that often require more people or more time, for instance "how do we make it look better?". Essentially it comes down to every single person involved figuring out the best way they can contribute to the next approximation. When designers have an idea they may go straight to programmers and ask them to implement it, but is that the most cost-effective thing they can do? It takes much less time to validate the idea with other designers and/or to implement a low-fidelity prototype (and more often than not that's enough to catch a slew of problems). The same applies to programmers. When they are given a task they can spend weeks coming up with the most amazing architecture and implementing it, only for the whole feature to be scrapped because it's not fun. Instead, they can quickly implement a simpler solution first and validate it with the rest of the development team. Once we're sure that it does what we need, they can go back to implementing the amazing architecture with the certainty that it will be useful.

donbonifacio commented 5 years ago

How can you tell if something is adding value?

JoaoPataca commented 5 years ago

Ultimately for us it's about what generates "fun" and what doesn't. In the beginning of the development process we're looking for this in a broader sense - maybe asking questions like "how do we make sure the player stays invested in the narrative?" -, and in the final stages it can be something as simple as making sure that there isn't a visual glitch in a particular feature. Throughout that process we involve different people, to guarantee that we're taking steps in the right direction. The designers themselves are usually the first critics, iterating on their own ideas. They eventually validate their work with the creative directors, who ensure not only that the features are "fun", but also that they fit within the vision of the game. In the end, the best way to know is to involve the players, which is what we do with playtests, from which we are able to collect different metrics and valuable feedback.

donbonifacio commented 5 years ago

That seems to be a great approach to ensure you are delivering value. How about quality? What processes do you employ to ensure quality?

JoaoPataca commented 5 years ago

The most basic is mandatory code reviews, and we encourage people to request them from the person that would provide the most valuable feedback. This means that it could be a junior, a senior, a lead or someone in a studio in the other side of the planet. Often it's a group of those. We also do requests to the devtest team with a varying frequency depending on the stage of the project. In early prototyping stages it's more important to prioritise iteration speeds, so we don't do them very often. As we get closer to release, it becomes more and more important to keep stability, so we increase the frequency and usually make them mandatory before submit. Like the reviews, people are encouraged to request devtests to the teams that are more familiar with a given feature, even if that means requesting a devtest in another studio. With or without our requests, the devtest team is responsible for regular tests on the builds and reporting problems. They organise their work such that they are able to regularly test specific features and also entire slices of the game. Finally, we also do software testing. Because gameplay emerges out of the interaction of different systems, I'd argue that categories like unit testing and integration testing are not the ideal tool for the job. The most interesting to me as a gameplay programmer are functionality tests, which allow us to create real gameplay scenarios and verify that the outcomes are what we expect. This is particularly useful in a multiplayer game like Skull & Bones because we can easily set up scenarios with multiple players without actually asking other people to help. And of course, we can automate these.

donbonifacio commented 5 years ago

That process seems to be very fine tuned. And that means that teammates need context. How do you onboard new teammates?

JoaoPataca commented 5 years ago

We have a few different layers of onboarding. Part of it is organised by the leads, but a lot of it is driven by the individual. Some of the mandatory material includes documents and presentations on the company culture, on the creative vision of Ubisoft and on the general development process we employ in the different studios. We also give a high-level overview of our engine and pipeline, as well as a presentation on C++ topics that are particularly relevant for gameplay programmers. Once the new team members have that, we move on to a practice task that involves implementing a made up feature. This way they are able to practice in a situation as close to reality as possible, but in a safe environment that allows us to easily intervene and guide them in the right direction. With that done, we move on to actual tasks. We start with less risky ones and try to progress in risk and difficulty as the person develops.

donbonifacio commented 5 years ago

That sounds great. How about keeping a team healthy and growing people? What do you do in that regard?

JoaoPataca commented 5 years ago

For me it's very important to keep a cohesive team where everyone is motivated and able to rely on everyone else. I apply a few simple measures with that goal in mind. For any given system we're working on, I always involve more than one person. I find that there is a natural tendency to do the opposite, but I don't like the results. It usually starts simple, with reasons like that person having the most experience in that area, but soon it escalates and the system becomes so complex that only that person can work on it. Instead, giving a system to different people encourages them to communicate and to rely on each other. Also, it often brings more and better ideas to the table. Whenever someone comes up with such an idea or excels in a particular task, I make sure to praise them not only personally but also during the weekly team meeting. This gives everyone a chance to learn by example and also reassures people that their efforts will be noticed. If someone is underperforming or has made a mistake, I prefer to give them feedback in private except in situations where the whole team can learn from it. Another topic that I try to carefully balance is decision-making. Everyone has been in teams where they feel their manager is making the wrong decisions or where they feel that they don't have the power to contribute anything relevant. My way of dealing with it is simply to involve everyone in the decision making process. Whenever I have to make a decision for the team, I involve at least one person that I know can help with the topic at hand. Different people naturally become more proficient in different topics, so everyone gets a chance to participate. The same goes the other way around. Whenever a team member needs to make a decision, I encourage them to consult me and/or anyone on the team, but whenever possible I leave the final decision to them. In terms of growing people, we have some standard practices like organising trainings on different topics and sending as many people to conferences as possible. Once per year, the lead is responsible for gathering peer feedback on each individual and for summarising it in a few strengths and areas of improvement. He is also responsible for discussing these with the team member and to agree on a development plan for the following year. What I do in order to be sure that the development plan is being followed and updated is to organise a monthly 1-on-1 meeting. In that meeting I give feedback on the recent events and give people an opportunity to talk about their goals and state of mind. I also take it as a chance to ask for feedback on myself, the team and the project.

donbonifacio commented 5 years ago

That sums it up. Great practices indeed. To complete this interview, could you share what kind of topics would you like to know about more, regarding engineering management? And what about suggestion someone that you know for a future interview at the blog?

JoaoPataca commented 5 years ago

My main focus right now is in learning the best ways to improve the productivity of my team and of the whole game development process, specifically in regards to adapting to bigger, more complex games. I see a lot of topics in this blog that can help me with that and I'll be sure to keep following closely! For a future interview at the blog I nominate Antão Almada, who was my team lead at YDreams and who is among the top programmers I've had the privilege to work with.