donboyd5 / synpuf

Synthetic PUF
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Preparing for Nov 28 phone call with SOI #2

Closed donboyd5 closed 5 years ago

donboyd5 commented 5 years ago

The phone call is at Wed Nov 28, 2 pm EST with:

phone number is 888-331-8226; access code is 4160033

We are having the call because @donboyd5 reached out to Barry Johnson, cc @feenberg, and asked for a chance to talk to them in relation to constructing a fully synthetic PUF from the actual PUF.

By email, Barry Johnson asked what this provides that goes beyond what TPC is doing.

The big pluses, I think, are (1) development speed (this is far less ambitious than what TPC is doing and we should be able to do it more quickly), (2) potentially greater odds of releasability, if we can be sure to understand what SOI requires and gear our methods to meet that.

The downsides are that (1) TPC has far more resources to put into this than we do, and (2) they have far higher quality source data to work with, so they should be able to create a more versatile and higher quality fully synthetic PUF. When that time comes, we may want to transition to what they are doing - but that could be far in the future.

Constructing a high-quality fully synthetic PUF that is releasable is key to our work. Therefore, I think the number 1 thing we want out of this call is to understand how SOI views this - what they need in order for a synthetic PUF to be releasable, for free.

Question for our group: Is there anything we should read in advance about how SOI will evaluate this question?

@donboyd5 will put together a draft agenda and supporting materials for the call.