donboyd5 / synpuf

Synthetic PUF
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Comparing results from R package synthpop to our results from synthimpute #27

Open donboyd5 opened 5 years ago

donboyd5 commented 5 years ago

Running the R package synthpop

I had been wondering why the early results with synthpop on a file subset seemed to do so well in comparison to the early results with random forests from synthimpute.

I have since done a few runs on the full file with synthpop.

The latest such run that I've looked at is synthpop2.csv in the Google Drive. I also created synthpop3.csv, which I think might be slightly better, but I have not looked at it yet.

Here's what I did:

The results, maybe not surprisingly, look pretty good; I put summary results in the html file eval_taxcalc_2018-12-17.html in the Google Drive folder synpuf_analyses I set up for summary results that can be public.

I ran the results through Tax-Calculator. The graph below compares taxbc (tax before credit) for synpuf6 (latest done with synthimpute and random forests), and the first two versions with the R package synthpop (synthpop1 and synthpop2):


Along the way, I compared some subset results to the same subset of synpuf6; often there were enormous differences, that usually were better in the CART approach. It makes me think I should add comparisons by marital status to the evaluation program I have.

In general, it seems like the synthpop/CART approach produces results closer to PUF than the random forests approach; would like to understand why. Would like to see how the results do on disclosure measures

donboyd5 commented 5 years ago

@feenberg would you be able to run synthpop2.csv and synthpop3.csv through your tax-reform comparisons program? I didn't yet fill all of the categorical variables with values and also a few near-zero continuous vars. The ones that may give you trouble are:

DSI, f6251, MIDR, fded, EIC, n24, f2441, e09800, e09700, p08000

It would be fine to drop them. I'll address them in a later run.

feenberg commented 5 years ago

On Mon, 17 Dec 2018, Don Boyd wrote:

@feenberg would you be able to run synthpop2.csv through your tax-reform comparisons program?

I uploaded to synthpuf_analyses but it is also attached.

I will improve the column headers for the next run. "errpc" should be "synerrpc" and stderrpc should be "pufstderr".


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simpute/score/ synthpop2 2011 0. s006/1.e5 09:59 Monday, December 17, 2018 1

name tru syn errpc stderrpc star label

_adctcrt 297.24 493.71 66.097 88.842 Rate for additional ctc
_almsp -1058.67 -471.18 -55.493 -8.117 AMT bracket
_amex -3220710.69 -3251803.27 0.965 -0.622
Personal Exemption
_amtex 19877.33 16198.11 -18.510 6.920 AMT Exclusion
_amtx25 288580.65 120075.62 -58.391 7.913
AMT exclusion phaseout rate
_amtys 4473.35 3246.64 -27.423 7.317 AMT phaseout start
_brk1 -380960.49 -383060.61 0.551 -0.470
10% tax rate thresholds
_brk2 -317943.88 -324245.33 1.982 -0.949 15% tax rate thresholds
_brk3 -19070.85 -21219.75 11.268 -2.309 25% rate thresholds
_brk4 -10898.04 -13447.97 23.398 -4.003
28% rate thresholds
_brk5 -1601.26 -1928.86 20.459 -6.636 * 33% rate thresholds
_cgrate1 538785.59 505836.17 -6.115 3.921 Initial rate on long term gains
_cgrate2 3991256.94 4179917.79 4.727 26.298 Normal rate on long term gains
_chmax 2387038.67 2349678.29 -1.565 1.611
Max Child Tax Credit per child
_cphase -14683.84 -14786.07 0.696 -3.756 Child Tax Credit Phase-Out
_crmax 307290.89 271982.26 -11.490 3.185
Maximum earned income credit
_rt1 10633875.95 10621609.55 -0.115 0.458 10% rate
_rt2 20523461.97 20703784.84 0.879 0.632
15% rate
_rt3 9084172.90 9578326.61 5.440 1.280 * 25% rate
_rt4 2836492.07 3234265.52 14.023 2.751
28% rate
_rt5 2231544.20 2703906.69 21.168 4.693 33% rate
_rt6 5141693.02 5427644.80 5.561 18.483 35% rate
_rtbase -2109.53 -3507.05 66.248 -18.412
EIC base rate
_rtless 218802.48 198003.89 -9.506 4.160
EIC phaseout rate
_ssb50 -47416.63 -44374.45 -6.416 -2.289 SS 50% taxability threshold
_ssb50r 83687.72 78696.72 -5.964 2.487

_ssb85 -20663.16 -20440.34 -1.078 -3.245 SS 85% taxability threshold
_ssb85r 442502.34 458941.99 3.715 2.185

_stded -816331.78 -873526.12 7.006 -0.747 Basic Standard Deduction
_tamtr2 1277041.34 904350.27 -29.184 11.997 AMT surtax rate
_tamtr26 3937338.62 2100966.86 -46.640 5.807
AMT basic rate
_ymax -32150.10 -28092.11 -12.622 -3.490 Start of EIC phaseout
e00200 -742349851.14 -748644292.50 0.848 -3.207
Salaries and wages
e00300 -24069819.43 -28159840.99 16.992 -19.727 Interest received
e00400 -238695.85 -161867.33 -32.187 -12.196 Tax-exempt interest income
e00600 -36523739.75 -38331907.24 4.951 -16.009
Dividends included in AGI
e00700 -5728375.40 -6477705.29 13.081 -10.465
State income tax refunds
e00800 -929689.78 -1509775.06 62.396 -18.114 Alimony received
e00900 -38352345.52 -44004674.10 14.738 -13.143
Business or profession (Schedule C) net profit/lo e01200 1347976.65 -3419994.32 -353.713 228.618 Other gains (or loss) (+/-)
e01400 -42926287.12 -48646270.91 13.325 -6.830 Taxable IRA distribution
e01700 -91017095.96 -92646666.06 1.790 -2.425 Pensions and annuities included in AGI
e02000 -133041384.43 -129880859.02 -2.376 -18.021
Schedule E net income or loss (+/-)
e02100 2011680.21 689845.41 -65.708 63.568 Schedule F net profit/loss (+/-)
e02300 -8398789.23 -11118105.50 32.377 -3.095
Unemployment compensation in AGI
e02400 -38537843.35 -39756618.26 3.163 -2.021 Gross Social Security benefits
e03150 2273539.21 2343549.34 3.079 5.190
Total deductible IRA payments
e03210 1497042.76 2163811.88 44.539 2.761 * Student Loan Interest Deduction
e03220 190583.56 208413.18 9.355 3.484 Educator Expenses
e03230 516192.44 758538.04 46.949 6.749 * Tuition and Fees Deduction
e03240 2521594.78 3245770.92 28.719 41.316 Domestic Production Activities deduction
e03270 5328176.39 5536597.61 3.912 4.909 * Self-employed health insurance deduction
e03290 741617.07 865705.59 16.732 8.186
Health Savings Account deduction
e03300 5817693.18 6207158.60 6.694 10.843 Payments to KEOGH accounts
e03400 68984.45 115100.38 66.850 69.782 Forfeited interest penalty
e03500 1776740.98 1992772.19 12.159 13.852 Alimony paid
e07240 742921.77 724277.75 -2.510 3.962
Retirement Savings Credit
e07260 1463905.04 1494470.76 2.088 13.084 Residential Energy Credit
e07300 13021213.79 18112639.32 39.101 42.154 Foreign tax
e07400 2394122.54 2863313.09 19.598 62.048 General business credit
e07600 497132.25 3037575.69 511.020 53.255 Credit for prior year minimum tax
e09700 -17985.42 -46132.95 156.502 -182.462 Recapture taxes
e09800 -5979.21 -7664.55 28.187 -37.397
Social security tax on tip income
e09900 -5558980.68 -5839434.76 5.045 -6.113 Penalty tax on IRA
e17500 8568370.93 7833966.75 -8.571 5.059
Medical and dental expenses
e18400 65262884.73 65737346.82 0.727 7.560 State and local taxes
e18500 33466810.95 33644699.55 0.532 1.852
Real estate tax deductions
e19200 71167350.14 71421369.33 0.357 2.236 Total interest paid deduction
e19800 29162297.92 28867198.64 -1.012 13.445 Cash contributions
e20100 6958712.67 7174094.97 3.095 43.214 Other than cash contributions
e20400 11992777.60 14021416.58 16.916 6.450 Miscellaneous deductions subject to AGI limitatio e24515 -841388.30 -948492.89 12.730 -53.404 Unrecaptured Section 1250 gain
e24518 -414632.07 -435958.84 5.144 -251.009
28% Rate Gain or Loss
e27200 -65.53 -138.22 110.916 -196.603 *
e32800 2537341.86 2564334.39 1.064 3.212 * Form 2441 Qualifying individuals' Expenses
e58990 -126713.82 -159385.36 25.784 -63.781
Investment income (Form 4952 part 2 line 4g)
simpute/score/ synthpop2 2011 0. s006/1.e5 09:59 Monday, December 17, 2018 2

name tru syn errpc stderrpc star label

e62900 9502869.46 163996.43 -98.274 43.3239 Alternative tax foreign tax credit
e87521 13880883.34 13583317.57 -2.144 2.4519 American Opportunity Credit
e87530 1958714.67 1766585.42 -9.809 4.8501
Lifetime Learning Total Qualified Expenses totc00100 8516623460.89 8618939598.29 1.201 0.6102 Total AGI
totc10300 1035492731.25 1081675219.15 4.460 0.8489
Tax after credits
totwgt 204519.44 204519.44 0.000 0.1095 Number of returns
z07180 2543380.12 2570604.02 1.070 3.2090
Child and dependent care
z07200 773.91 608.89 -21.323 81.3249 Elderly or disabled
z07220 813224.50 888444.01 9.250 8.0966 Child Tax Credit
z07230 15908083.93 15428468.84 -3.015 2.2283
Education Credits
z07240 743441.10 726357.33 -2.298 3.9602 ** Retirement Savings Credit
z07300 13698431.62 18161529.44 32.581 40.3077 Foreign tax
z07600 497132.25 3037575.69 511.020 53.2551 Credit for prior year minimum tax
z11070 93355.98 119024.91 27.496 19.4643

donboyd5 commented 5 years ago

Many thanks. I have put "synscore synpuf6 vs synthpop2-wgt.xlsx" in the synpuf_analyses Google Drive folder. It compares the synpuf6 results (random forests, Python) with the synthpop2 results (CART, R).

Here are the highlights:

median(errpc) 38.9 3.1 median(abs(errpc)) 38.9 9.7 AGI errpc 12.5 1.2 tax after credit errpc 24.8 4.5 Taxable IRA dist errpc 168.1 13.3 SALT errpc 3.0 0.7

I thought the table above would work but it does not. Sorry, it will require some mental parsing.

I've copied a scatterplot of abs(errpc) below.

The good news is that the synthpop CART approach appears to yield significant improvement, especially on some important variables. The bad news is (a) it still has some big errors, and (b) we have to investigate the potential disclosure trade-off. Hopefully this provides some useful diagnostic information for @MaxGhenis.


donboyd5 commented 5 years ago

1) Comparison of synpuf8 and synthpop3 (for file descriptions see 2) Updated evaluation programs - @andersonfrailey , the updates are pushed to GitHub. It is more modular and substantially improved.

The two files are fairly close to apples to apples. Both include AGI and AMT as predictors. synpuf8 uses random forests and synthpop3 uses CART.

I put the results of this comparison, eval_2018-12-18-12_21.html, in the public folder.

It includes comparisons of unweighted correlations of variables, weighted sums of selected variables, plots of cumulative distribution functions of weighted values, and a summary measure of the CDFs. I did something quick here - for each file and variable, computed the cumulative percent of the weighted values, summarized each into 1,000 ntiles, then calculated the Komogorov-Smirnov p-statistic for each relative to the puf, and ranked them by the p-statistic. @MaxGhenis, would be good to talk as I am not sure this is a great measure and is not very discriminating. Perhaps we can talk about quantile loss.

Here is an ordering of some of the worst correlations with wages:


Here are a few weighted sums:


Here are some of the K-S p-statistics:


Both files appear to be very good on wages, so here is a CDF of interest income: image

My own assessment is that CART is still doing better than random forests, but they are much closer now. You can look at the html file and draw your own conclusions. I think we still need a lot more information. I will work to improve this.