Open xselimtr opened 6 months ago
The corresponding code part can be found in the following:
clock_PLL_100_50_25MHz_inst : entity work.clock_PLL_100_50_25MHz
port map (
clk_out1 => clk_100mhz,
clk_out2 => clk_50mhz,
clk_out3 => clk_25mhz,
resetn => reset, -- assuming resetn is the same as reset
locked => locked,
clk_in1 => clk
buffer_RAM_12x131072_inst : entity work.buffer_RAM_12x131072
port map (
clka => clk_50mhz,
wea => wea,
addra => save_address,
dina => RGB_444_data,
clkb => clk_50mhz,
addrb => read_address,
doutb => doutb
Hello, I am a freshman at Bilkent University, and I'll use your code for my Digital Design courses' term project. I first converted all codes into VHDL, yet I had an issue. You declared clock_PLL_100_50_25MHz_inst and buffer_RAM_12x131072_inst in the camera_vga_display_top module, yet you haven't included their codes. I've searched for their code online but couldn't find anything useful. Can you please assist me with these? Regards