donderjoekel / Mangarr

An *arr inspired approach to downloading manga using individual sources
MIT License
34 stars 2 forks source link

keeps searching for items, and then a error occured, applications needs to be reloaded #8

Closed undeadalien1 closed 2 months ago

undeadalien1 commented 2 months ago


ill start by saying im no linux pro, nor docker pro,
i have a alphine installation with docker, and used portainer to use your docker-compose and only changed the passwords. when i select several sources and search for a manga(i searched for "the gamer" with quotes, the name of the manga pops up, i click add, with several sources i get "An error has occurred. This application may no longer respond until reloaded. [Reload]" right away, with 1 sources it sometimes happesn right away, sometimes it takes abit. ive had the screen open for over an hour and still it doesnt show anything.

ive attached all 4 of the logs, any tips? _mangarr.stack_logs.txt _mangarr.db_logs.txt _mangarr.flaresolverr_logs.txt _mangarr.cache_logs.txt

Thundernerd commented 2 months ago

Hey there,

No worries that you're not a pro in either of those, you've provided the logs which was all I needed!

It seems that when trying to add a manga it fails to find a root directory where it can put it in and therefore breaks unexpectedly. Ideally this would be handled appropriately but in the mean time until that is added you can fix this issue by manually adding a root folder.

You can add a root folder by going through the following steps (added an image below to make it clear what I mean)

  1. Click on the Settings menu item
  2. Type in the path to where you want your mangas stored (in the image below you can see that mine go into /mnt/comics)
  3. Click the add button


Once you've done this you should be able to properly download mangas!

undeadalien1 commented 2 months ago

alraighty, then ill first have to see how i can mount my nas on this thing;) ill let u know if it worked out

Thundernerd commented 2 months ago

Sure thing! Let me know if you run into any other issues :)

undeadalien1 commented 2 months ago

welllll, i did get 1 step further, now i could select a source, then select the location aaaand crash.. in the alphine LCX (kind of container from proxmox) i have docker installed, and mounted a NFS share, from cli i can acces that folder and write to it, then in mangarr i added the mounted location "/mnt/media" and i tried "/mnt/media/" after the logs i also tried "/mnt/comics/" as u showed in ur example. but same error from what i can see.

alvast bedankt voor je tijd ;P

_mangarr.cache_logs.txt _mangarr.db_logs.txt _mangarr.flaresolverr_logs.txt _mangarr.stack_logs.txt

undeadalien1 commented 2 months ago

image image image image

Thundernerd commented 2 months ago

Glad you got a bit further! Apologies that it still doesn't work properly.

From what I can see in the logs you provided it seems to fault on trying to send a notification to discord. Have you set up a discord webhook by any chance?

If so, please make sure that you're using the full URL as the value!

Geen probleem hoor!

undeadalien1 commented 2 months ago

didnt comment out the discord and optional bits, done now ;) downloaded first manga and now readable in kavita ;)

Thundernerd commented 2 months ago

Glad to hear that it worked!