dondi / GRNsight

Web app and service for modeling and visualizing gene regulatory networks.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
17 stars 8 forks source link

Poster for SCCUR #157

Closed kdahlquist closed 9 years ago

kdahlquist commented 9 years ago

Create a large custom slide in PowerPoint that is 4' wide and 3' tall.

kdahlquist commented 9 years ago

This is a test of the Android browser.

kdahlquist commented 9 years ago

This is a test of the chrome tablet browser.

NAnguiano commented 9 years ago

Our abstract got accepted! Now we just need to register by November 14th, and get started on the poster.

kdahlquist commented 9 years ago

Congratulations! Don't register yet. @dondi and I are figuring out which department will cover your registration fees. Time to get cracking on the poster #157.

kdahlquist commented 9 years ago

Oops, didn't mean to close. And please disregard my browser testing on my tablet this morning.

kdahlquist commented 9 years ago

Deadline for printing poster will be on Monday 11/17 at our meeting, which gives us actually an entire week if we need it.

kdahlquist commented 9 years ago

Here are my comments on the version @anuvarsh sent this morning:

All the content needed seems to be there, these are tweaks to the organization and presentation of the information. (Note that I've made changes to my comments since I last posted here).

  1. The LMU logo needs to be higher resolution. If you search for "LMU logo" you should turn up some files that you can use.
  2. Use middle initial D. for Dahlquist, John David N. Dionisio, and Ben G. Fitzpatrick. I also encourage the two of you to use your middle initials for scientific authorship.
  3. Delete the word URL from in front of the actual URL (it's obvious what that is.)
  4. If possible, make the author names bigger font and the affiliations smaller font. The author names are getting drowned out since the affiliations are taking up so much room. The title could be a hair smaller to accommodate all the info.
  5. Introduction. The first bullet point should read "The central dogma of molecular biology describes the flow of information in a cell during gene expression from DNA to RNA to protein.
  6. Introduction. Make sure all bullet points have periods.
  7. Introduction. The Central Dogma figure needs a citation to Freeman (2002). The corresponding reference in the reference section is then, Freeman, S. (2002) Biological Science. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  8. Section called GRNmap, should have entire tagline as title: GRNmap: Gene Regulatory Network Modeling and Parameter estimation (note that last word is estimation and not equation).
  9. GRNmap: first bullet point should say MATLAB model available at (instead of by Katrina--many people have actually worked on it).
  10. GRNmap: second bullet point should read "Differential equations model of the changes in gene expression over time for a gene regulatory network."
  11. GRNmap. Make sure all bullet points have periods
  12. GRNmap. last bullet, either lowercase gene regulatory network or just use abbreviation GRN since it was defined already.
  13. Title for next section should be "GRNsight Requirements" not just "Requirements".
  14. Requirements. First bullet point, insert word "adjacency" in front of matrix.
  15. Use periods for each bullet point.
  16. You forgot the main feature which is "GRNsight should then automatically lay out the graph based on the adjacency matrix."
  17. Leave off reference to asymmetrical matrices here.
  18. Section entitled Architecture, should just have the top graphic and the first set of bullet points about the service-oriented architecture. In this section, need a bullet point that says "GRNsight follows an open development model using an open source code repository and issue-tracking. The section that starts with "GRNsight Implementation..." should be it's own section called "Automatic Graph Layout"
  19. Make sure all bullet points have periods.
  20. Insert "the" before Node.js.
  21. Delete the sentence about edge outlines since we don't use them anymore.
  22. Move the section that says "Edges were customized to show activation, repression, and self-regulation up to the Automatic Graph Layout section below the current graphic with the arrow between the not customized and customized D3.

I have to leave to go to a meeting until 3:45 or so. I'll pick up my comments on the rest of it when I get back.

Picking up from where I left off:

  1. The section on Aesthetic Improvements should be moved to beneath the section on "Edges were customized...".
  2. You need to have a more complete explanation of how exactly the thickness of the edges are made. You can look on the Documentation web page for some language on this.
  3. After rearranging the sections as described above, User Interface will need to go to the top of the third column. Combine the current sections on User Interface with User Interface Improvements and Other General Improvements under one heading "User Interface". The screenshot of the menu bar can be cropped to give you more room.
  4. The state diagram will then go under the section on User Interface.
  5. User Interface section : first bullet point, does "sample" really mean "simple"?
  6. User Interface section: third bullet point, "Users can utilize force graph parameter sliders to refine the automatic layout.
  7. You need to add a bullet about users being able to click on the nodes and move them around.
  8. In the current section called User Interface Improvements, say "Force graph parameter sliders are active before a graph is loaded."
  9. Testing and Error Handling section gets moved over to right column.
  10. To Future Directions section, add bullet point "Display of asymmetrical adjacency matrices is being tested in the beta version."
  11. To Future Directions section, add bullet point "An automated unit testing and error-catching framework is currently being developed."
  12. to the reference section, add the Freeman reference described above and URLs for GRNmap, Node.js, Express, and D3.

I know this looks like a lot, but it is mostly just rearranging what you already have. Make sure that all of your bullet points have periods (and are complete sentences because most of them already are).

E-mail me your completed poster by noon Friday so I can get it printed. The table I was talking about is stored in the Micro lab next door to my office so you can pick it up when you pick up your poster.

NAnguiano commented 9 years ago

The final version has been added to the documents folder in the beta.

NAnguiano commented 9 years ago

Since the final version was uploaded, I think this one is done. Reassigning to @kdahlquist for review.

kdahlquist commented 9 years ago

From the e-mail I sent separately: I fixed a couple typos I noticed in your SCCUR poster since I'd rather upload the fixed version to slideshare. Also, note how I've named the file. For future presentations, I'd like to follow something like this that includes author names, venue, and date. Also, since GitHub has version control, we should only have one copy of this file on there and new versions should just then be committed with the same file name. Would you please just go ahead and remove the older versions of this file and put this one up instead?

kdahlquist commented 9 years ago

Here is the embed link for the SCCUR poster on slideshare:

NAnguiano commented 9 years ago

This seems to be done! The poster and the embed link are live on slideshare. Reassigning to @kdahlquist for review.

kdahlquist commented 9 years ago

verified and closing