dondi / GRNsight

Web app and service for modeling and visualizing gene regulatory networks.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Export image to jpg, pdf, svg #59

Open kdahlquist opened 10 years ago

kdahlquist commented 10 years ago

We want the ability to export the graph image to a file in three formats: jpg, pdf, html. For the html version, it would be something similar to the way GenMAPP does it.

kdahlquist commented 10 years ago

We don't need html export until we actual have features that need html display.

Not an easy way to screenshot just the graph to jpg.

CAN use a print function to print just the graph (whatever is in the bounding box) or print to paper.

Going to create a new issue for printing to enable the last option. #111

kdahlquist commented 8 years ago

As per the reviewer comment on #271 we will

kdahlquist commented 8 years ago

Reviewer 1 comment (#278):

"As it does not accept a standard input file type, the output of any other network analysis package requires conversion in to the matrix format required here. Similarly, the tool provides no export function (the option in the File menu remained stubbornly greyed out) and so I can’t take a network from GRNsight and utilise it elsewhere. I also can’t use GRNsight to convert the GRNmap format to something I might like to use elsewhere.

The authors refer to future features coming in version 2 (lines 323-329). I encourage them to consider implementing at least one standard filetype for displaying graph data within their tool. Be it sif, graphml or even gml, it would significantly increase the utility of the tool as it currently exists."

We need to look into import/export of adjacency matrix in sif, graphml, or gml format.

mihirsamdarshi commented 5 years ago

791 should address this, at least for saving the graph in the PNG format

kdahlquist commented 5 years ago

I checked this out on beta 4.0.2 and have the following observations:

mihirsamdarshi commented 5 years ago

I do see @dondi's issues too. I will try to address all of these concerns and all of @kdahlquist's concerns this weekend and create a new PR with the changes.

dondi commented 5 years ago

The duplicate image issue turned out to be a duplicated click handler. Moving the assignment of that click handler to the setupHandlers module, per the recently-done refactor, fixed the issue.

The save-to-file issue was using a Blob approach which unfortunately does not get automatically read by an a element. Instead, @mihirsamdarshi will try an image URL, where the SVG data is embedded directly in the string, to see how that goes.

mihirsamdarshi commented 5 years ago

Both SVG and PNG exports have been finished and addressed in PR #796. The concerns below from @kdahlquist's previous comment have now been addressed:

I checked this out on beta 4.0.2 and have the following observations:

  • I saw the same thing as @dondi, that the file was saved twice. I have my browser set to ask me where to save things so when I saved it the first time, that dialog opened again (or was underneath the first one).
  • The suggested filename has the xlsx extension on it in front of the .png, so it reads "filename.xlsx.png". Please strip the xlsx off of the suggested filename.
  • When I saved the image, the font for the node labels was changed in the png from the sans-serif font we use on the website to a serif font (like Times, but I'm not sure what font it was) in the saved image
kdahlquist commented 5 years ago

This appears to have triggered another issue #800. When I open the SVG file in Illustrator, it is not an accurate representation of what I am seeing in GRNsight. See pair of screenshots below.



kdahlquist commented 5 years ago

This is still not fixed. Note that besides fixing the image, there is an issue with the filename generated ".xlsx" needs to be stripped from the .png or .svg file names.

dondi commented 4 years ago

Updates on issues:

dondi commented 4 years ago

@mihirsamdarshi will move into the PDF export after resolving SVG issues.

mihirsamdarshi commented 4 years ago

The SVG lines are caused because we have created our paths to be artificially wider (and invisible somehow) to make it easier for users to click on it at least (I think) according to this code:

I think I can make this invisible by setting the fill to be transparent.

mihirsamdarshi commented 4 years ago

stroke-opacity needed to be set to 0. this issue has been addressed in PR #805

dondi commented 4 years ago

Nearly ready for beta re-release, pending font family fix.

kdahlquist commented 4 years ago

PDF is squeezed. SVG is still missing edges and labels are shifted to left.

dondi commented 4 years ago

Quick beta notes:

dondi commented 4 years ago

Re: SVG manipulation (to eliminate extraneous elements not needed in the export)

mihirsamdarshi commented 4 years ago

I have set inline styles, and the file is exporting with some of the styles. However, a couple of problems are happening:

kdahlquist commented 4 years ago

Quick notes on these bullets:

mihirsamdarshi commented 4 years ago

I have figured out the marker problem, and am doing a deep copy. However, regarding the invisible stroke of the paths in Illustrator, even changing the stroke attribute in Illustrator does not fix the problem, so I am not sure how to declare the stroke attribute in my code so that displays in Illustrator. Additionally, I have explored a number of methods to make the node text aligned including setting the x and y positions, and while this works, it seems a little hack-y instead of using text-anchor attribute. I am stumped.

dondi commented 4 years ago

There may be lingering issues with Illustrator SVG support, as indicated here:

Another alternative is PDF but this also does not seem to be supported.

Third alternative is to export directly as "native" .ai format.

dondi commented 4 years ago

^^^^ Addendum: PDF export to be made vector-based rather than image-based.

mihirsamdarshi commented 4 years ago

after, further work and research, it doesn't seem to be possible to create a layered PDF. However, I am working to add the SVG directly to the PDF, but the jsPDF library keeps throwing errors. I believe that it is an error with them, but I will keep trying.

kdahlquist commented 4 years ago

May be necessary now to look at other libraries. Quick Google search reveals pdfkit,, svg-to-pdfkit, and svgexport, to name the top hits. It might be useful to look for specific mentions of Adobe Illustrator since that is our driving use case.

kdahlquist commented 4 years ago

This came up again in the question/answer period after my talk at BOSC 2020.